Friday, March 30, 2007

Eurosceptics report by Wonkotsane

This damning report of the dirty-tricks behind-your-backs by the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel comes from a group of respected and sceptical German journalists. One must expect such shenanigans from Merkel for her family went straight from Naziism to Communism with no democracy in sight for around 56 years.

What with a new treaty, a EU army, the EU to be run by those countries using the euro and all to be accomplished without any proper consultation – let alone any referenda – is presumption and arrogance on a massive scale.
The German journalists do us a service – We cannot say we were not warned.

Germany Calling No 65 25.03.2007


Report by the German Journalists of .

Translated 26.03.2007 by Edward Spalton for
BERLIN / GUETERSLOH (Own Report). In spite of days of controversy, today’s signing of the “Berlin Declaration” went ahead without amendment. The pivot and crux of the controversy is the announcement of an intended replacement for the failed EU constitution which will have the same content under a different title and is to be ratified as quickly as possible. This arrangement has occasioned great displeasure in several European capitals. The most influential German think tank, the Bertelsmann Foundation, maintains that European unification must be driven forward; the greatly contested EU constitution is to be merely the “point of departure” . For the first time, the foundation recently presented a draft paper to top politicians from twenty EU countries and the USA over the “strategic reorientation” of the EU in which it recommended, as a first step, that the national armed forces of all member states should be combined into a single EU army. The German Chancellor has taken up this suggestion. Frau Merkel warned against refusing so-called integration. She said “The ideal of European unification is today again a matter of war and peace”.
Our Great Good Fortune

In spite of its notable lack of content the “Berlin Declaration”, announced this Sunday, has provoked widespread criticism. One cause was the unilateral procedure of the German Federal Government. The declaration was based on a suggestion of the German Chancellor’s office which was discussed in secret with delegates (“focal points”) in EU member states (1). As the envoy of the Czech Republic made known, those nominated as “focal points” had only a single bilateral phone conversation with the German authorities and were then advised of the declaration’s content by email.(2) Neither the national parliaments nor the European parliament had sight of the wording, arrived at in this conspiratorial way. In no case, was the people of any member state consulted. In this declaration, arrived at by the sole decree of the executive without the slightest democratic feedback, it now states “We citizens of the European Union are, to our good fortune, united….” (3)
And there’s more

As the Federal Government has made known, it will continue with this unusual procedure to compel ratification of a lightly modified EU constitution. Government circles have let it be known that the method of instituting the “Berlin Declaration” is “ of value in itself because we wish to use this method for progressing the second half of our presidency and the road map for the constitution, if member states can live with it and something useful comes out of it”. Having succeeded in quietening Czech resistance in the last week, Berlin hopes to advance its position on the EU constitution to a breakthrough by means of this procedural trick.

The foundation funded by the German media group Bertelsmann is demanding further large steps. At the end of February it called together 45 high ranking participants from 21 countries to a “Strategy Group” – amongst them the former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel, the former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, the Czech Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Vondra, the former German Foreign Minister Josef Fischer and several EU Commissioners. The Bertelsmann Foundation publicised the event, claiming that “the hand-picked circle of participants (…) covered all the great geographical areas of today’s European Union, EU candidate states and the USA” – a rather Germano-centric collective effort aimed at “the strategic reorientation” of the EU. (4)
EU Armed Forces

According to the report, further development of the EU “is only possible on the basis of an altered treaty”. (5) The EU constitution proposed in Berlin today is “simply the point of departure to enable the achievement of totally new goals”. “Europe wishes to be acknowledged alongside the United States of America as the voice of the West,” it states in a “memorandum” upon which the debate was based. “For this, considerably greater efforts are necessary on the world stage, from world trade through global environment up to civil and military crisis management”. (6)
As the next step, the members of the “Strategy Group” took into their consideration the merging of European national forces into a unified EU army.
The Euro Currency Group

The German Federal Chancellor has now made this suggestion her own. “In the EU itself we must move closer to a common European army,” demanded Angela Merkel in Berlin’s tabloid press last week. (7) This drives the EU debate far beyond the EU constitution and limits the elbow room of those previously opposed to it. The same goes for another suggestion by the Bertelsmann foundation which was laid before the “Strategy Group”. According to this proposal, the internal hierarchy of the EU should be more strongly formalised than proposed in the constitution. Increased powers of political decision should be conferred on those states which have adopted the euro currency. “The euro group should have a special role in designing the future of the EU”. (8)
Radical Determination To increase pressure on the smaller EU members, the German government is dropping bellicose hints and portraying their EU plans as a method of avoiding descent into a new catastrophe – war. The Federal Chancellor announced in tones pregnant with disaster, “We should not take peace and democracy for granted. The ideal of European unification is still today a question of war and peace.” (9) Similar threats already enabled the Federal Government to force through the Eastern expansion of the EU against massive resistance in the mid Nineties. Then the present Minister of the Interior, Wolfgang Schaeuble, declared in a strategy paper that “Germany might be required or compelled by its own security considerations to achieve the stabilisation of Eastern Europe alone and in the traditional manner”. The paper was published on 1st September 1994, the 45th anniversary of Germany’s attack on Poland. (10) The Federal Chancellor’s warning is a spin on those threats of war in a scarcely concealed form. It makes clear the radical determination of German foreign policy to achieve a total reordering of Europe under the aegis of Berlin, enforced by all means – apparently not excluding military.The following texts on the main theme of the “Berlin Declaration” are available from links on . The article “Kriegsverlierer” is an interview in English with Lord Stoddart of Swindon. See also (in German) Erfolgsgeschichte, Unter Fuehrung des Reiches, Nicht hinnehmbar sowie Auszuege aus dem Memorandum der Bertelsmann-Stiftung.
(1) s. dazu Finales Europa(2) s. dazu Nicht hinnehmbar(3) “Berliner Erlaerung” zum Jubilaeum im Wortlauf . (4) (5) Strategiegruppe Europa ueber die Zukunft der Europaeischen Integration. Pressemitteilung der Bertelsmann-Stiftung 28.02.2007(6)Memorandum zur Zukunft der EUropaeischen Union;Guetersloh 21.02.2007 dokumentiert (7) “Die Europaeische Einigung ist auch heute noch eine Frage von Krieg un Frieden” Bild 23.03.2007(8) Memorandum zur Zukunft der Europaeischen Union; Guetersloh 21.02.2007 dokumentiert Auszuege (9) “ Die Europaeische Union ist auch heute noch eine Frage von Krieg und Frieden” Bild 23.03.2007(10) CDU/CSU Fraktion des Deutschen Bundestages; Ueberlegungen zur europaeischen Politik 01.09.1994 Note: BERTELSMANN FOUNDATION. This organisation, which has charitable status, is the principal shareholder in the Bertelsmann group of media companies. A Bertelsmann subsidiary is in a public/private partnership providing all the administrative services to the East Riding of YorkshireDistrict Council in England. See earlier article “Under German Administration”.


Monday, March 26, 2007

[finance] snippets here and there

Foreign connections

# During the Senate Hearings on Paul Warburg before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee, August 1, 1914, Senator Bristow asked, "How many of these partners (of Kuhn, Loeb Company) are American citizens?"

Warburg: "They are all American citizens except Mr. Kahn. He is a British subject."
Bristow: "He was at one time a candidate for Parliament, was he not?"
Warburg: "There was talk about it, it had been suggested and he had it in his mind."

Paul Warburg also stated to the Committee:

"I went to England, where I stayed for two years, first in the banking and discount firm of Samuel Montague & Company. After that I went to France, where I stayed in a French bank."
Chairman: "What French bank was that?"
Warburg: "It is the Russian bank for foreign trade which has an agency in Paris."

# Paul Warburg continued to address bankers’ groups about the monetary policies they were expected to follow. On October 22, 1915, he addressed the Twin City Bankers Club, St. Paul, Minnesota during which speech he stated:

"With Europe’s foremost powers limited to their own field, with the United States turned into a creditor nation for all the world, the boundaries of the field that lies open for us are determined only by our power of safe expansion. The scope of our banking future will ultimately be limited by the amount of gold that we can muster as the foundation of our banking and credit structure."

# Ferdinand Lundberg, in America’s Sixty Families, 1937, stated:

"In practice, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York became the fountainhead of the system of twelve regional banks, for New York was the money market of the nation. The other eleven banks were so many expensive mausoleums erected to salve the local pride and quell the Jacksonian fears of the hinterland."

# Eustace Mullins, in Mullins On The Federal Reserve, Kasper and Horton, New York, 1952, stated:

"The shareholders of the banks which owned the stock of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are the Rothschilds, of Europe, Lazard Freres (Eugene Meyer), Kuhn Loeb Company, Warburg Company, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller family, and the J.P. Morgan interests. These interests have merged and consolidated in recent years, so that the control is much more concentrated.

National Bank of Commerce is now Morgan Guarantee Trust Company, Lehman Brothers has merged with Kuhn, Loeb Company, First National Bank has merged with the National City Bank, and in the other eleven Federal Reserve Districts, these same shareholders indirectly own or control shares in those banks, with the other shares owned by the leading families in those areas who own or control the principal industries in these regions."

This is now years old but the interconnections are the point here, not whether they still exist.

# Daniel Davison, head of London’s Morgan Grenfell, said [McRae and Cairncross, Capital City, Eyre Methuen, London, 1963, p. 1]:

"The American banks have brought the necessary money, customers, capital and skills which have established London in its present preeminence . . . . only the American banks have a lender of last resort. The Federal Reserve Board of the United States can, and does, create dollars when necessary. Without the Americans, the big dollar deals cannot be put together. Without them, London would not be credible as an international financial centre."

# Although Astor’s capital was reputed to come from his fur trading, a number of sources indicate that he also represented foreign interests. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in Dope, Inc., The New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company, N.Y. 1978, stated that Astor, in exchange for providing intelligence to the British during the years before and after the Revolutionary War, and for inciting Indians to attack settlers along the frontier, received a percentage of the British opium trade with China. It was the income from this concession which provided the basis for the Astor fortune.

# The House Stabilization Hearings of 1928 revealed that the Governors of the Federal Reserve System had been holding conferences with heads of European central banks with a view to returning to the gold standard:

Governor Adolph Miller: "I think we are very close to the point where any further solicitude on our part for the monetary concerns of Europe can be altered. The Federal Reserve Board last summer, 1927, set out by a policy of open market purchases, followed in course by reduction on the discount rate at the Reserve Banks, to ease the credit situation and to cheapen the cost of money. The official reasons for that departure in credit policy were that it would help to stabilize international exchange and stimulate the exportation of gold."

The nature of money

# Before the Fed, trade acceptances were a rare thing, most of America preferring the open book system, allowing a discount for cash. In a nutshell, under the latter system, a debt is a liability. Under the former, it is an asset to be bought and sold. Open book was more humane and more understandable to the common man but trade acceptances were more streamlined and lucrative for business.

# On September 30, 1941, before the House Committee on Banking and Currency, Governor Eccles was asked by Representative Patman:

"How did you get the money to buy those two billion dollars worth of Government securities in 1933?

Eccles: We created it.

Mr. Patman: Out of what?

Eccles: Out of the right to issue credit money.

Mr. Patman: And there is nothing behind it, is there, except our Government’s credit?

Eccles: That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money."

# At the House Hearing of 1947, Mr. Kolburn asked Mr. Eccles:

"What do you mean by monetization of the public debt?

Eccles: I mean the bank creating money by the purchase of Government securities. All is created by debt--either private or public debt.

Fletcher: Chairman Eccles, when do you think there is a possibility of returning to a free and open market, instead of this pegged and artificially controlled financial market we now have?

Eccles: Never. Not in your lifetime or mine."

# In 1951, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published a pamphlet, "A Day’s Work at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York." On page 22, it states:

"There is still another and more important element of public interest in the operation of banks besides the safekeeping of money; banks can ‘create’ money. One of the most important factors to remember in this connection is that the supply of money affects the general level of prices--thecost of living. The Cost of Living Index and money supply are parallel."

# At the House Banking and Currency Committee Hearings on June 6, 1960, Congressman Wright Patman, Chairman, questioned Carl E. Allen, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. (p. 4):

Patman: "Now Mr. Allen, when the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee buys a million dollar bond you create the money on the credit of the Nation to pay for that bond, don’t you?

Allen: That is correct.

Patman: And the credit of the Nation is represented by Federal Reserve Notes in that case, isn’t it? If the banks want the actual money, you give Federal Reserve notes in payment, don’t you?

Allen: That could be done, but nobody wants the Federal Reserve notes.

Patman: Nobody wants them, because the banks would rather have the credit as reserves."


# My question on this next paragraph is who or what gave Morgan the right:

On January 6, 1914, J.P. Morgan met with the Organizing Committee of the Federal Reserve in New York. He informed them that there should not be more than seven regional districts in the new system. This committee was to select the locations of the "decentralized" reserve banks. They were empowered to select from eight to twelve reserve banks, although J.P. Morgan had testified he thought that not more than four should be selected.

# John Moody, "The Seven Men", McClure’s Magazine, August, 1911, p. 418 stated:

"Seven men in Wall Street now control a great share of the fundamental industry and resources of the United States. Three of the seven men, J.P. Morgan, James J. Hill, and George F. Baker, head of the First National Bank of New York belong to the so-called Morgan group; four of them, John D. and William Rockefeller, James Stillman, head of the National City Bank, and Jacob H. Schiff of the private banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb Company, to the so-called Standard Oil City Bank group ... the central machine of capital extends its control over the United States ... The process is not only economically logical; it is now practically automatic."

# The ten largest bank holding companies in the United States are subject to these banking houses, all of which have branches in London. They are J.P. Morgan Company, Brown Brothers Harriman, Warburg, Kuhn Loeb and J. Henry Schroder.

J.P. Morgan Company began as George Peabody and Company. George Peabody (1795-1869), began business in Georgetown, D.C. in 1814 as Peabody, Riggs and Company, dealing in wholesale dry goods, and in operating the Georgetown Slave Market. In 1815, to be closer to their source of supply, they moved to Baltimore, where they operated as Peabody and Riggs, from 1815 to 1835. Peabody in 1835 established the firm of George Peabody and Company in London.

# Eustace Mullins, Mullins On The Federal Reserve, Kasper and Horton, New York, 1952, wrote:

"Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild met Peabody and offered that he run certain 'dinners' for elements of society. Peabody accepted the offer and soon became known as the most popular host in London. His annual Fourth of July dinner, celebrating American Independence, became extremely popular with the English aristocracy."

# John Moody noted, in The Masters of Capital, page 27:

"The Rothschilds were content to remain a close ally of Morgan... as far as the American field was concerned."

# The reason that the European Rothschilds preferred to operate anonymously in the United States behind the facade of J.P. Morgan and Company is explained by George Wheeler, Pierpont Morgan and Friends, the Anatomy of a Myth, Prentice Hall, N.J. 1973 page 17:

"But there were steps being taken even now to bring him out of the financial backwaters--and they were not being taken by Pierpont Morgan himself. The first suggestion of his name for a role in the recharging of the reserve originated with the London branch of the House of Rothschild, Belmont’s employers."

# Another Baltimore firm established in Liverpool were the Brown Brothers. Alexander Brown came to Baltimore in 1801, and established what is now known as the oldest banking house in the United States, still operating as Brown Brothers Harriman of New York; Brown, Shipley and Company of England; and Alex Brown and Son of Baltimore.

# Sir Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England for many years, was a partner of Brown, Shipley and Company. Sir Montagu Norman was organizer of "informal talks" between heads of central banks in 1927, prior to the Great Stockmarket Crash of 1929. In Current Biography, 1940, he said:

"There is an informal understanding that a director of Brown, Shipley should be on the Board of the Bank of England, and Norman was elected to it in 1907."

# Mullins [op.cit.] states:

"Although the London house of Junius S. Morgan and Company continued to be the dominant branch of the Morgan enterprises, with the death of the senior Morgan in 1890 in a carriage accident on the Riviera, John Pierpont Morgan became the head of the firm.

After operating as the American representative of the London firm from 1864-1871 as Dabney Morgan Company, Morgan took on a new partner in 1871, Anthony Drexel of Philadelphia and operated as Drexel Morgan and Company until 1895. Drexel died in that year, and Morgan changed the name of the American branch to J.P. Morgan and Company."

# William Guy Carr, in Pawns In The Game, privately printed, 1956, pg. 60 stated that:

"In 1899, J.P. Morgan and Drexel went to England to attend the International Bankers Convention. When they returned, J.P. Morgan had been appointed head representative of the Rothschild interests in the United States. As the result of the London Conference, J.P. Morgan and Company of New York, Drexel and Company of Philadelphia, Grenfell and Company of London, and Morgan Harjes Cie of Paris, M.M. Warburg Company of Germany and America, and the House of Rothschild were all affiliated."

# La Rouche [op.cit.], stated that on February 5, 1891, a secret association known as the Round Table Group was formed in London by Cecil Rhodes, his banker, Lord Rothschild, the Rothschild in-law, Lord Rosebery, and Lord Curzon. He states that in the United States the Round Table was represented by the Morgan group.

Dr. Carrol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, Macmillan Co., N.Y. refers to this group as "The British-American Secret Society", stating that:

"The chief backbone of this organization grew up along the already existing financial cooperation running from the Morgan Bank in New York to a group of international financiers in London led by Lazard Brothers (in 1901)."


The obvious question is: "So what?" Right, there is a London, European and American connection. Right, the Fed is a money making machine in the hands of private bankers. Right, the power over coinage is out of the hands of Congress and therefore the people. And what? Do they care?

After all, during the "Money Trust" hearings in 1912, under the leadership of Congressman Arsene Pujo of Louisiana, the Pujo subcommittee of the House Banking and Currency Committee asked banker after banker if he was a banker.

The response was: "Yes, I am indeed a banker."

What did that prove? The answer is: "Nothing much." What is of far greater concern is the role of the NYCH, the European gold transfers, the Fed's activities and the 1927 meeting of central banks which was followed by the Wall Street crash.

Of vastly more interest was the extra-curricular activities of bankers at leisure, e.g. the 'stag parties' on Jeckyll Island or what 'hunting' required regular members to be asked to stay away. This is interesting in the light of Bohemian Grove.

While Barings connections with the opium trade and slavery and Rothschilds' connection with the Nazis are interesting in themselves, of more interest is why the Rothschilds are linked with the following houses: Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Leigh, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Dine and the Merovingians [?], in a separate and yet interwoven context.

You can throw anything into this discussion, for example, Stanley Baldwin's comment on parliament, [J.M.Keynes, Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1919]:

"They are a lot of hard faced men who look as if they had done very well out of the war."

Into this, one can drop Churchill's "now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America" line.

When one gets right into the words spoken and written by people close to the source of power, there is a common thread to it. It's the freewheeling manner with huge sums, abject disregard for due process, complete disregard for consequences on the little people and elements of sheer madness behind the assumptions. There is no country, no humanity to it, only profit. There's ample evidence of it in Philip Dru, Colonel House's fictional hero [Col. Edward M. House in Philip Dru, Administrator, B. W. Heubsch, New York, 1912, page 148]:

"They recognized the fact that Dru dominated the situation and that a master mind had at last risen in the Republic." He now assumed the title of General. "General Dru announced his purpose of assuming the powers of a dictator . . . they were assured that he was free from any personal ambition . . . he proclaimed himself ‘Administrator of the Republic.’"

This last was written by a man who went on to advise Woodrow Wilson on behalf of the finance. This is the thing this blogger is so down on - the megalomaniacal insanity of the powerful, the closer they get to the source of power. In Agatha Christie's NorM, Inspector Grant concludes:

"It appeals to something in man, the desire or lust for power. In every land it has been the same - the cult of Lucifer. Lucifer, Son of the Morning - pride and a desire for personal glory."

This is not inconsistent with facilitated financial panics, the slave trade, the drug trade, tolerance of child porn, the enabling of wars and the progressive impoverishment and indebtedness of the people of the various western nations by means of the control of credit and pricing. It explains the choice of a 'humanless' system of acceptances over open book accessibility. It explains the death of the bank manager/customer relationship.

The "money is a commodity" line of J.P.Morgan rings hollow in this context. If only we had an Old Hickory who would address the finance directly:

"You are a nest of vipers and thieves, and by the grace of the almighty God, I will root you out!"


Sunday, March 25, 2007

[jeckyll island] one tuesday evening in november

... continued from the front page

Photo of Paul Warburg

Six years later, financial writer Bertie Charles Forbes, who later founded Forbes Magazine, [the present editor, Malcolm Forbes, is his son], wrote:

"Picture a party of the nation’s greatest bankers stealing out of New York on a private railroad car under cover of darkness, stealthily hieing hundred of miles South, embarking on a mysterious launch, sneaking onto an island deserted by all but a few servants, living there a full week under such rigid secrecy that the names of not one of them was once mentioned lest the servants learn the identity and disclose to the world this strangest, most secret expedition in the history of American finance.

I am not romancing; I am giving to the world, for the first time, the real story of how the famous Aldrich currency report, the foundation of our new currency system, was written . . . . The utmost secrecy was enjoined upon all. The public must not glean a hint of what was to be done. Senator Aldrich notified each one to go quietly into a private car of which the railroad had received orders to draw up on an unfrequented platform."

Some years earlier, a group of millionaires, led by J.P. Morgan, had purchased the island as a winter retreat. They called themselves the Jekyll Island Hunt Club, and, at first, the island was used only for hunting expeditions, until the millionaires realized that its pleasant climate offered a warm retreat from the rigors of winters in New York, and began to build mansions which they called "cottages" for their families’ winter vacations. Membership was by inheritance only.

The club building itself, being quite isolated, was sometimes in demand for stag parties and other pursuits unrelated to hunting. On such occasions, the club members who were not invited to these specific outings were asked not to appear there for a certain number of days. Before Nelson Aldrich’s party had left New York, the club’s members had been notified that the club would be occupied for the next two weeks.

The New York Times later noted, on May 3, 1931, in commenting on the death of George F. Baker, one of J.P. Morgan’s closest associates, that:

"Jekyll Island Club has lost one of its most distinguished members. One-sixth of the total wealth of the world was represented by the members of the Jekyll Island Club."

The members of the party agreed, before arriving at Jekyll Island, that no last names would be used at any time during their two week stay and later referred to themselves as the First Name Club.

As the most technically proficient of those present, Paul Warburg [a recent émigré] was charged with doing most of the drafting of a plan for a central bank to streamline the monetary issues and credit of the United States. His work would then be discussed and gone over by the rest of the group.

Senator Nelson Aldrich was there to see that the completed plan would come out in a form which he could get passed by Congress, and the other bankers were there to include whatever details would be needed to be certain that they got everything they wanted, in a finished draft composed during a one time stay.

The Jekyll Island group remained at the club for nine days but despite the common interests of those present, the work did not proceed without friction. Senator Aldrich, always a domineering person, considered himself the chosen leader of the group, Paul Warburg believed that every question raised by the group demanded a lecture and his thick accent grated on the others but the natural diplomacy of Henry P. Davison proved to be the catalyst which kept them at their work.

Another Morgan partner, T.W. Lamont, said of this:

"Henry P. Davison served as arbitrator of the Jekyll Island expedition." [T.W. Lamont, Henry P. Davison, Harper, 1933]

The monetary reform plan prepared at Jekyll Island was to be presented to Congress as the completed work of the National Monetary Commission. It was imperative that the real authors of the bill remain hidden. So great was popular resentment against bankers since the Panic of 1907 that no Congressman would dare to vote for a bill bearing the Wall Street taint, no matter who had contributed to his campaign expenses.

The Jekyll Island plan was a central bank plan and it was going to be tough getting it past the people. Thomas Jefferson’s fight against Alexander Hamilton’s scheme for the First Bank of the United States, backed by James Rothschild and President Andrew Jackson’s successful war against Hamilton’s scheme for the Second Bank of the United States, in which Nicholas Biddle was acting as the agent for James Rothschild of Paris were two events of the past which had led to such jaundiced popular opinion.

The result was the Independent Sub-Treasury System, which supposedly had served to keep the funds of the United States out of the hands of the financiers. Mullins states that studies of the panics of 1873, 1893, and 1907 indicated that these panics were the result of the international bankers’ operations in London.

Professor Elmus Wicker, of Indiana University, saw it a little differently, putting it down to the New York Clearing House:

"The NYCH had the power, the knowledge (at least initially) and the instruments to forestall banking panics. Both the size and distribution of the banking reserve among the NYCH banks was conducive to the recognition of the specific role played by the New York banks in the maintenance of banking stability. The ultimate banking reserve of the country was lodged in six or seven of the largest New York banks. The size of that reserve was greater than that held by any of Europe's central banks."

Either way, the public was demanding in 1908 that Congress enact legislation to prevent the recurrence of artificially induced money panics. The National Monetary Commission was formed with Nelson Aldrich at its head since he was majority leader of the Senate.

The main problem, as Paul Warburg informed his colleagues, was to avoid the name "Central Bank". For that reason, he had decided upon the designation of "Federal Reserve System", more acceptable to the public. As a bank of issue, it would control the nation’s money and credit.

Stephenson [Nathaniel Wright Stephenson, Nelson W. Aldrich, A Leader in American Politics, Scribners, N.Y. 1930, Chap. XXIV "Jekyll Island"p. 379] wrote:

"How was the Reserve Bank to be controlled? It must be controlled by Congress. The government was to be represented in the board of directors, it was to have full knowledge of all the Bank’s affairs, but a majority of the directors were to be chosen, directly or indirectly, by the banks of the association."

In the final refinement of Warburg’s plan, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors would be appointed by the President of the United States, but the real work of the Board would be controlled by a Federal Advisory Council, meeting with the Governors. The Council would be chosen by the directors of the Federal Reserve Banks, and would remain unknown to the public.

Farmers and small businessmen in those areas had suffered most from the money panics. The popular resentment against the Eastern bankers had become a political movement known as "populism" and the private papers of Nicholas Biddle, released over a century after his death, show that quite early on the Eastern bankers were fully aware of the widespread public opposition to them.

Paul Warburg advanced the regional reserve system. He proposed a system of four (later twelve) branch reserve banks located in different sections of the country although the primary coordinating power remained in New York.

The selection of administrators for the proposed regional reserve system came next. Senator Nelson Aldrich had insisted that the officials should be appointed, not elected, and that Congress should have no role in their selection. His Capitol Hill experience had taught him that congressional opinion would often be inimical to the Wall Street interests.

Warburg's solution was that the administrators of the proposed central banks should be subject to executive approval by the President. The judicial department (the Supreme Court, etc.) was already virtually controlled by the executive department through presidential appointment to the bench.

This removal of the system from Congressional control meant that the Federal Reserve proposal was unconstitutional from its inception, because the Federal Reserve System was to be a bank of issue. Article 1, Sec. 8, Par. 5 of the Constitution expressly charges Congress with "the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof."

Paul Warburg later wrote "Paul Warburg, The Federal Reserve System, Its Origin and Growth, Volume I, Macmillan, New York, 1930", but the name "Jekyll Island" appears nowhere in this text. He did write (Vol. 1, p. 58) however:

"But then the conference closed, after a week of earnest deliberation, the rough draft of what later became the Aldrich Bill had been agreed upon, and a plan had been outlined which provided for a ‘National Reserve Association,’ meaning a central reserve organization with an elastic note issue based on gold and commercial paper."

On page 60, Warburg wrote:

"The results of the conference were entirely confidential. Even the fact there had been a meeting was not permitted to become public."

He added in a footnote:

"Though eighteen [sic] years have since gone by, I do not feel free to give a description of this most interesting conference concerning which Senator Aldrich pledged all participants to secrecy."

Forbes’ revelation [Current Opinion, December, 1916, p. 382] of the Jekyll Island meeting did not appear in print until two years after the Federal Reserve Act had been passed by Congress; hence it was never read during the period when it could have had an effect, that is during the Congressional debate on the bill. Forbes’ story was also dismissed by the bankers as preposterous, and a mere invention.

Stephenson mentions this on page 484 of his book about Aldrich:

"This curious episode of Jekyll Island has been generally regarded as a myth. B.C. Forbes got some information from one of the reporters. It told in vague outline the Jekyll Island story, but made no impression and was generally regarded as a mere yarn."

Warburg did agree to Professor Stephenson’s request that he prepare a brief statement for the Aldrich biography. This appears on page 485 as part of "The Warburg Memorandum:

"The matter of a uniform discount rate was discussed and settled at Jekyll Island."

Frank Vanderlip of the "First Name Club" later published a few brief references to the conference. In the Saturday Evening Post, February 9, 1935, p. 25, Vanderlip wrote:

"Despite my views about the value to society of greater publicity for the affairs of corporations, there was an occasion near the close of 1910, when I was as secretive, indeed, as furtive, as any conspirator. . . I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System."

Professor E.R.A. Seligman, a member of the international banking family of J. & W. Seligman, and head of the Department of Economics at Columbia University, wrote in an essay published by the Academy of Political Science, Proceedings, v. 4, No. 4, p. 387-90:

"It is known to a very few how great is the indebtedness of the United States to Mr. Warburg. For it may be said without fear of contradiction that in its fundamental features the Federal Reserve Act is the work of Mr. Warburg more than any other man in the country. The existence of a Federal Reserve Board creates, in everything but in name, a real central bank.

In the two fundamentals of command of reserves and of a discount policy, the Federal Reserve Act has frankly accepted the principle of the Aldrich Bill … Mr. Warburg had a practical object in view. In formulating his plans and in advancing in them slightly varying suggestions from time to time, it was incumbent on him to remember that the education of the country must be gradual and that a large part of the task was to break down prejudices and remove suspicion.

His plans therefore contained all sorts of elaborate suggestions designed to guard the public against fancied dangers and to persuade the country that the general scheme was at all practicable. It was the hope of Mr. Warburg that with the lapse of time it might be possible to eliminate from the law a few clauses which were inserted largely at his suggestion for educational purposes."

In his biography of Aldrich, Stephenson [op.cit.] says:

"A pamphlet was issued January 16, 1911, ‘Suggested Plan for Monetary Legislation’, by Hon. Nelson Aldrich, based on Jekyll Island conclusions." Stephenson says on page 388, "An organization for financial progress has been formed. Mr. Warburg introduced a resolution authorizing the establishment of the Citizens’ League, later the National Citizens League . . . Professor Laughlin of the University of Chicago was given charge of the League’s propaganda."

Much of the five million dollars of the bankers slush fund was spent under the auspices of the National Citizens’ League, which was made up of college professors. The two most tireless propagandists for the Aldrich Plan were Professor O.M. Sprague of Harvard, and J. Laurence Laughlin of the University of Chicago.

Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., [Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., Banking, Currency and the Money Trust, 1913, p. 131], noted:

"J. Laurence Laughlin, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Citizens’ League since its organization, has returned to his position as professor of political economics in the University of Chicago. In June, 1911, Professor Laughlin was given a year’s leave from the university, that he might give all of his time to the campaign of education undertaken by the League . . . He has worked indefatigably, and it is largely due to his efforts and his persistence that the campaign enters the final stage with flattering prospects of a successful outcome . . . The reader knows that the University of Chicago is an institution endowed by John D. Rockefeller, with nearly fifty million dollars."

Testifying before the Committee on Rules, December 15, 1911, after the Aldrich plan had been introduced in Congress, Congressman Lindbergh stated:

"Our financial system is a false one and a huge burden on the people . . . I have alleged that there is a Money Trust. The Aldrich plan is a scheme plainly in the interest of the Trust . . . Why does the Money Trust press so hard for the Aldrich Plan now, before the people know what the money trust has been doing?"

After the National Monetary Commission had returned from Europe, it held no official meetings for nearly two years. The result was a library of documentation, such as a history of the Reichsbank, the central bank which controlled money and credit in Germany, and whose principal stockholders, were the Rothschilds and Paul Warburg’s family banking house of M.M. Warburg Company.

The Commission’s records show that it never functioned as a deliberative body. Indeed, its only "meeting" was Jekyll Island, and this conference was not mentioned in any publication of the Commission. Senator Cummins passed a resolution in Congress, ordering the Commission to report on January 8, 1912 and show some constructive results of its three years’ work. In the face of this challenge, the National Monetary Commission ceased to exist.

At the House Banking and Currency Committee of the American Bankers Association, a banker from Philadelphia, Leslie Shaw, dissented with other witnesses as to the real significance of the Aldrich plan:

"Under the Aldrich Plan the bankers are to have local associations and district associations, and when you have a local organization, the centered control is assured. Suppose we have a local association in Indianapolis; can you not name the three men who will dominate that association? And then can you not name the one man everywhere else. When you have hooked the banks together, they can have the biggest influence of anything in this country, with the exception of the newspapers."

Senator LaFollette publicly charged that a money trust of fifty men controlled the United States. George F. Baker, partner of J.P. Morgan, on being queried by reporters as to the truth of the charge, replied that it was absolutely in error. He said that he knew:

"from personal knowledge that not more than eight men run this country."

The Nation Magazine replied editorially to Senator LaFollette that:

"If there is a Money Trust, it will not be practical to establish that it exercises its influence either for good or for bad."

Congress appointed a committee to investigate the control of money and credit in the United States, known later as the Pujo Committee, a subcommittee of the House Banking and Currency Committee, which conducted the "Money Trust" hearings in 1912. It reached no negative conclusions about the Money Trust.

At all stages, the financiers answered questions in simplistic terms, such as J.P. Morgan's "Money is a commodity."

The Taft/Roosevelt/Wilson election followed and that's too large an issue to cover here but following that, Nelson Aldrich and Frank Vanderlip changed tack and denounced the proposed Federal Reserve Act as inimical to banking and to good government. As The Nation, on October 23, 1913, pointed out:

"Mr. Aldrich himself raised a hue and cry over the issue of government "fiat money", that is, money issued without gold or bullion back of it, although a bill to do precisely that had been passed in 1908 with his own name as author, and he knew besides, that the ‘government’ had nothing to do with it, that the Federal Reserve Board would have full charge of the issuing of such moneys."

Now into the picture came Colonel Edward Mandell House of Texas, whose story, including World War 1, the Titanic and sundry other issues and that takes this article way beyond its original focus - Jeckyll Island.

This blog concludes that one thing which stands out a mile in all this was the secrecy and collusion, together with funded propaganda in support of the plan and the international links of those supporting it. The plan for re-educating the public and for blocking opposition, together with furphies like the Aldrich/Vanderlip outcry after it was all over, show remarkable similarities to such projects as the current ID legislation and the progressive incursion of the EU into our affairs today.

If things were above board at Jeckyll Island, then why the need for secrecy? Similarly today, why would Blair lie outright when asked if he'd been to a Bilderberg Conference?

Essentially, the doings of such men and women are why things happen in the world, why wars are known beforehand, why panics occur and the root cause of depressions. While madmen like Iran's current leader certainly play their part in world unease, it is and always has been the financiers who are in the driving seat.

As Andrew Jackson famously said, in answer to the public's dismay when Nicholas Biddle, the head of Bank of the United States "tightened up credit, recalled loans and generally slowed down the American economy" [David C. Whitney, The American Presidents, Guild America, New York, 1975, p75]:

"Go to Nicholas Biddle."

Until the general public understands who is really in the driving seat and which international interests the drivers are themselves serving, the pantomime called democratic process which fuels the vast majority of weblogs remains a mere sideshow, one which distracts our attention from what is really going down.

The general public are never going to understand.

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Friday, March 16, 2007

[stop press] sargasso sea very mysterious

Scientists have discarded their first thought that the strong Gulf Stream carried and deposited shoreline seaweed into this large sea. Recent investigations have concluded that the sargassum is actually adapted and has reproduced to become native to the area, a strange forest of seaweed growing hundreds of miles from any land.

Legends of a "sea of lost ships" predates the Bermuda Triangle by centuries and was, in many ways, strikingly similar to the mythos of the modern Bermuda Triangle. Derelict vessels were found here more often, shipshape but deserted. On one occasion a slaver was sighted with nothing but skeletons aboard.

The Rosalie sailed through this area in 1840 before later turning up derelict, as reported in the London Times.

In 1881 the schooner Ellen Austin supposedly found a derelict schooner and, placing a prize crew aboard, sailed in tandem for port. Two days later the schooner was sighted sailing erratically. When boarded again, the ship was once again deserted. There was no trace of the prize crew.

The bark James B. Chester was found deserted in the Sargasso Sea in 1857, with chairs kicked over and a stale meal on the mess table.

Modern derelicts have included the Connemara IV, found drifting 140 miles from Bermuda in 1955, plus a number of yachts and sailboats found in 1969 and 1982.

The Sargasso Sea, like the Bermuda Triangle, received popular and often tabloid press. Paintings showed sailing vessels being devoured by the sargassum, and, at the turn of the century, readers were led to believe that freighters sat becalmed and weed shrouded with old sailing ships - even Roman triremes, for nothing ever changed in this stagnant sea.

Most older maps delineate the location of the Sargasso Sea with seaweed. An evaluation of ship and aircraft disappearances draws a striking connection with this ancient sea of mystery and the modern Bermuda Triangle.

The northern boundary of the Sargasso Sea more correctly represents the northern limits of the area of disappearances, for many aircraft and ships were in this vicinity when they vanished, i.e. a few hundred miles north of Bermuda but just entering the Sargasso Sea.

The S.S. Poet, 520-feet, bound for Gibraltar in 1980, a SAC B-52 on manoeuvers in 1961, the KB-50 ariel tanker in 1962, a Super Connie in 1954, a Navy Martin Marlin amphibian in 1956 are but a few examples. The "Seaweed Sea" has a centuries old reputation for mysterious disappearances.

For centuries the Sargasso Sea was dreaded by the seafaring because of its deadly calms. Many times the Spanish found themselves becalmed for weeks, being then forced to jettison their war horses in order to conserve water.

The sargassum could even contribute to stalling a vessel during these long periods of weak winds. And today props on smaller boats can be fouled by the weed mats, causing them go dead in the middle of nowhere.

These monotonous calms are no doubt thanks to the surrounding Gulf Stream currents which isolate the Sargasso Sea from the surrounding hostile and cold waters of the North Atlantic. The Sargasso Sea remains a warm sea, with high evaporation and low precipitation favorable to a more steady climate and hence weaker winds.

The mystery has not been solved in modern times and that of missing aircraft seems even greater since surely neither calms nor sargassum could affect them. Nor can it affect the large freighters that can easily plow through the sargassum and steam through calms with little effort. Regardless, a number of large cargo vessels are completely unaccounted for after entering this sea.

If the sargassum and the stagnant calms cannot scientifically effect modernn travel and yet aircraft and ships disappear alike then the mystery is not one of the sea but of the planet itself, its shape, mass and the area's juxtaposition on this very mysterious sphere we live on.

Why not also the South Pacific and Mentor Currents which circle around and flow onto the South Pacific, or there are the Brazil and Benguela Currents in the South Atlantic. Though these currents are thoroughly charted and frequently travelled, neither are particularly mysterious nor have they indigenous growth so thick and unaccounted for.

So why is the Sargasso as it is?

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

[diana] the chronology collated

The PM boarded an RAF plane piloted by a crew based in Scotland which had flown to Teesside. Another operative was one of the security staff on duty at Tony Blair’s Sedgefield constituency during the weekend that Diana died and was at Teeside to greet the PM.

The co-pilot, according to information given to Stevens, asked this operative: "What’s really going on? We’ve been on standby in Scotland since 5pm on Friday waiting to make this flight to Northolt with the Prime Minister."

This senior MI6 operative, and one other, gave evidence to Lord Stevens, then later produced tickets and documents dating from 1997 which prove they were not in Paris that weekend. One was in the South of France with his wife and in-laws. The other was taking a short trip to Greece.

Arrival in Paris

Diana and Dodi arrived in Paris by private jet from Sardinia during the day of Aug. 30, 1997. They were besieged by a small army of paparazzi. Along the route into Paris, the Mercedes carrying Diana and Dodi was harassed by a black Peugeot, which, while driving in front of the Mercedes, jammed on its brakes without reason several times, to allow paparazzi in other cars and on high-speed motorcycles to come up alongside Dodi and Diana and harass them.

Later in the afternoon, when Diana and Dodi were on the Avenue des Champs Elysees, the same black Peugeot showed up. One of Dodi Fayed's bodyguards confronted the driver of the Peugeot, who retorted that the couple had not seen anything compared to the harassment they would experience as the day wore on.

Initially, Dodi Fayed had planned to dine with Princess Diana at a Paris restaurant on the evening of Aug. 30. In fact, they left the Ritz Hotel at approximately 7:30 p.m., expecting not to return. Apparently, the continued harassment prompted them to change their plans and return to the Ritz Hotel, which is owned by Dodi Fayed's father, Mohamed al-Fayed, and dine there in a private suite.

Henri Paul, the deputy security chief of the Ritz Hotel, was on duty all day. He left the hotel shortly after Dodi and Diana departed for dinner. When Dodi and Diana unexpectedly returned to the hotel shortly after 9:30 p.m., Paul was contacted on his mobile phone, and voluntarily returned to work. Although Paul's precise whereabouts between 7:30 p.m. and approximately 9:45 p.m., when he returned to the Ritz Hotel, are still not known, there has been no evidence to date, suggesting that he was drinking alcohol during this time.

On the contrary, British journalists who tried to track down leads provided by the French police, on Paul's wild drinking bout, while he was off duty, failed to turn up a single witness who saw Paul take so much as a single drink. Several of the bars identified by French official "leakers," were not even open during the hours when Paul was allegedly drinking himself into a stupor.

Further, the hotel's internal, closed-circuit TV cameras continuously followed Paul once he returned to his duties. They showed Paul to be sober. During those final several hours at...the hotel, Paul was in the constant company of other security professionals, all of whom later vouched for his sobriety after the barrage of French police-inspired media leaks accused Paul of being drunk and high on prescription drugs.

One of the last things that Trevor Rees-Jones, the bodyguard who survived the tunnel crash, remembers, is that he, too, considered Paul to be perfectly sober and fit to drive. Paul was qualified to drive the Mercedes 280-S. He had been to Germany on two occasions, taking the Daimler Benz special driving courses, which he passed with flying colors.

Friends, co-workers, and relatives universally disputed the media attempts to portray Paul as a sullen, depressed alcoholic: Further, Paul had gone for his annual physical exam, to qualify for renewal of his pilot's license 48 hours before the crash. He not only passed the physical exam. According to the Doctor who administered the exam, there were no signs of any damage to Paul's liver, a usual sure-fire sign of alcoholism. The French autopsy report also confirmed that Paul's liver was healthy at the time of his death.

It has been confirmed that between 10 p.m. and midnight, Paul drank two glasses of Ricards and water at the Ritz Hotel bar. The alcohol content of those drinks was very small. Yet, for the blood alcohol tests to have been accurate, Paul would have had to have gone through three bottles of strong red wine, or a dozen glasses of alcohol earlier in the day to have still shown such strong alcohol presence in his blood at the time of the crash.

Both the doctor who regularly performed the annual pilot's license physical exams and Paul's personal physician told the media that Paul had never been diagnosed as an alcoholic, and had never received prescriptions for either of the two drugs allegedly found in his bloodstream. Ultimately, the French police admitted that there was no record anywhere in France of such prescriptions in Henri Paul's name.

After the crash, French authorities refused to allow the Paul family to hire their own forensic pathologist to conduct an independent set of tests. They would only elease Paul's body to his family, for proper burial, if they agreed that the body would be cremated or buried without any further tests.

Ultimately, the French officials agreed to release a copy of the written results of the original post-mortem to the families of the deceased. Two independent teams of noted forensic pathologists reviewed the written report.

Dr. Peter Vanezis, British pathologist who held the Regis Chair of Forensic Medicine at Glasgow University, used by the United Nations in both Bosnia and Rwanda to determine whether genocide had occurred following the discovery of mass graves and who was the one who established that the woman who had been the pretender to the Romanov throne was a phony, conducted one of the reviews with a colleague from Lausanne.

Dr. Vanezis and colleague spent 12 hours reviewing the first post-mortem report. They found, first, that the report established that there was no deterioration of Paul's liver. They also found violation of standard procedures and protocols and unanswered questions. The report did not identify the temperature at which the body was stored, from the time it was removed from the car to when the tests were performed.

Henri Paul's body had been crushed in the crash. Thus, the entire chest cavity was badly contaminated by other body fluids, food residues, and so on, mixed together with the blood. Under such circumstances, it is standard practice to take blood samples from other parts of the body, particularly the limbs, which are far from the contaminated chest cavity. But, the first post-mortem report was only conducted on the blood taken from the contaminated chest cavity.

French authorities had leaked to the press that there had been two "independent" post-mortems conducted, and both had revealed the same presence of large amounts of alcohol in Paul's blood. The report provided to the families revealed that these independent tests had been performed on the identical contaminated blood sample from the chest, which had been divided in half and given to two separate laboratories to test. French officials claimed that a urine sample had been taken as well. But the report showed no results of urine tests.

Dr. Vanezis and his associate prepared a detailed memorandum, raising all of their concerns about the forensic report. Their memorandum was passed along to the magistrates in charge of the investigation, Herve Stephan and Marie-Christine Devidal.

A second team of prominent forensic pathologists in Lausanne, Switzerland, in the meantime, had been sent the original forensic report. They drew almost identical conclusions to those in the Vanezis report. They, too, noted the outright incompetence and violation of the most elementary procedures by the French government personnel.

A third independent audit of the first post-mortem was conducted by a team at St. Georges Hospital in London, and their results were the same.

21-August-2006 Ognir [David Leppard] said: The French director of public prosecutions has authorised a judge to reexamine two forensics experts whose evidence was central to the finding that the 1997 crash in Paris was a simple road accident caused by a drunk driver.

Thierry Betancourt, the deputy chief judge at Versailles, last week ordered fresh depositions to be taken from Professor Dominique Lecomte, the pathologist who conducted Paul’s post-mortem, and Dr Gilbert Pepin, who tested his blood.

# While Lecomte testified on oath that she had taken just three blood samples from Paul, a log book shows five samples were taken, suggesting the extra samples may have been wrongly attributed to Paul.

# Pepin said one sample he tested showed Paul had 1.74 grams per litre of alcohol in his blood. But his finding is not supported by paperwork.

# Paperwork relating to a second blood test by Pepin gives two widely differing readings for the amount of alcohol in Paul’s blood.

Mr Lee Sansum, a former member of the Special Investigations Branch of the Royal Military Police who had guarded Diana up to the year of her death, later said he could never accept the conclusion of the French authorities that Diana’s death was simply caused by drink-driving.

Mr Sansum said: “I worked for the Al Fayeds for four years and knew Trevor Rees-Jones well.

I know that, when you worked with Trevor, drink was an absolute no-no. I don’t give much credence to the story that Henri Paul was drunk. Trevor would never have allowed the Princess to get in the car if he had smelled of drink. It just seems to me that we haven’t got the whole story yet. I spoke to Kez Wingfield shortly after the crash.

He had been in a decoy car getting the photographers off Diana’s trail that night and he told me that Henri Paul wasn’t drunk. I’d be happy to tell the Stevens inquiry everything I know. The truth is the Princess feared that she was about to be killed in the final weeks of her life.”

Mr Sansum said: “Trevor was mentally and physically screwed up. He was confused and said ‘Lee, this is going on in the world and I just don’t know anything about it’. But he did tell me that Henri Paul had not been drinking.”

On June 3, 1998, ITV revealed, in a one-hour investigative report, "Diana: The Secrets Behind the Crash," that the forensic tests also showed a near-lethal level of carbon monoxide as well. EIR has independently learned that it was a separate toxicological test on Paul's blood sample, that revealed a carbon monoxide level of more than 30% at the time of the crash. Yet the other passengers did not register any.

As a group of approximately 35 paparazzi gathered in front of the Ritz hotel, shortly after Dodi and Diana returned from their aborted effort to dine out, there was no move by French police to provide security to the couple, or even place barricades between the couple's car and the paparazzi - despite the earlier incidents of aggressive paparazzi harassment of the couple, and the threats from the driver of the Peugeot.

Much of the activity of the paparazzi and the other observers has been captured on tape. Yet, the French police, in response to queries from the families of the three victims, repeatedly denied the existence of any CCTV film footage or still photographs that shed any light on the events of the evening.

EIR saw the CCTV shots do. At approximately 9:45 p.m., at about the time that Dodi and Diana were returning to the Ritz, two English-speaking men, attempting to appear as if they were paparazzi, entered the Ritz and sat down at the main lobby bar. They ordered several rounds of drinks, and remained in the bar, observing the lobby, until shortly before midnight.

According to several sources familiar with the details of Dodi and Diana's final hours alive, Dodi Fayed made the decision that he and Princess Diana would leave the hotel by the back entrance at 38 Rue Cambon, in a backup car that was called to the hotel. The plan was to have one of Dodi Fayed's security guards, Alexander "Kes" Wingfield, walk out the front door of the hotel and signal the drivers of the Mercedes and the Land rover (which was the trail car), that the couple would be coming down in five minutes.

At that moment, Dodi and Diana got into the back seat of the Mercedes 280-S, driven by Henri Paul, with Dodi's other regular bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, in the front passenger seat. As they sped off, the paparazzi were still in front of the hotel oblivious to the departure.

July 17, 2006: Mr Al Fayed said last night: “As experienced security guards, Trevor and Kez should have stopped Henri driving the getaway car and they should never have agreed to allow the Princess and Dodi to travel in a car without a back-up vehicle. This is contrary to all laid-down procedures.

The CCTV cameras reveal that there was a spotter at the back of the hotel, who immediately realized what was happening. That still-unidentified man immediately placed a call on a mobile phone. A moment later, the paparazzi in front of the hotel were on their motorcycles, chasing after the Mercedes.

Other actions were apparently triggered by that call, involving at least two cars that were lying in wait for the Mercedes near the Place de L'Alma tunnel. It was the only occasion in which Dodi and Diana ever travelled in a car without a trail car carrying security guards.

Media reports provided by the French authorities had identified the Mercedes carrying Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed as the 600 model. Early reports also claimed that the car was armoured. In fact, the Mercedes 280-S, a four-cylinder car incapable of reaching high speeds quickly, had been called up from a pool of cars available to the Ritz Hotel just hours before.

It emerged that Paul, who earned J20,000 a year as a Ritz chauffer had deposited Ј75,000 into numerous bank accounts before the crash. Further large amounts were subsequently found distributed in various bank accounts in his name.

Early media coverage, based on leaks from the French government, reported that, as Paul was leaving the Ritz Hotel, he had taunted the paparazzi, shouting, "You won't catch me tonight." Paul was actually on the other side of the hotel to the paparazzi.

It was claimed that Henri Paul was not qualified to drive the Mercedes but he had received specialty driver training from Daimler Benz in Germany. Also, Paul was not required to have any kind of special driver's license, in order to drive the Mercedes 280-S.

Between the Ritz and the tunnel

As the Mercedes 280-S left the rear of the Ritz Hotel, several dozen of the paparazzi, finally alerted to the diversion, set out in hot pursuit. As the Mercedes drove through the heart of Paris, a half-dozen eyewitnesses have testified that, as the Mercedes took a right turn onto the Voie Georges Pompidou, a highway running along the right bank of the Seine River, about two kilometres from the entrance of the Place de L'Alma tunnel, there were a number of cars and motorcycles aggressively chasing behind.

All along the route that the Mercedes took, from the Ritz Hotel, along the Voie Georges Pompidou, to the entrance to the Place de L'Alma tunnel, there are both outside CCTV cameras, and radar-activated cameras installed by the French police. If, at any time, the Mercedes or the cars and motorcycles chasing after it had gone beyond the speed limit, the radar cameras should have automatically snapped pictures. These pictures should have provided the police with a time-sequence account of the final moment's before the crash.

But the French authorities have systematically claimed - through press leaks, and in response to queries by the families of the deceased - that no such pictures exist. The French authorities insist that none of the outside CCTV cameras on any of the buildings along the route show anything relevant to the crash probe.

Shortly after midnight, on Aug. 30-31, 1997, David Laurent, an off-duty senior French police official, was driving alone in his car on the right bank of the Seine River, heading toward the Place de l'Alma tunnel. As he drove, Laurent was passed by a speeding white Fiat Uno, less than a minute ahead of Diana's car, according to accounts he provided to French Criminal Brigade police probing the Diana crash. As he approached the tunnel, Laurent noticed that the Fiat Uno that had sped by him was now crawling along in the right traffic lane, almost at a standstill, just before the tunnel entrance.

Although the behavior of the Fiat driver was a bit bizarre, Laurent drove on. Less than a moment later, however, Laurent heard a loud explosion from inside the tunnel, as he was driving a short distance ahead.

Jacques Morel, 59, record producer, who was driving home with his wife Moufida in Paris on the night of August 31, 1997, said: "As we entered the Alma tunnel I looked to my left and saw about a dozen shady figures on a tiny pavement by the side of the opposite carriageway.

"They were all standing in a long line. The sight was unforgettable. The pavement is less than 30cm (12in) wide and next to fast traffic. They would have been breathing in petrol fumes and it was very dirty down there. It was certainly not a sensible place to stand around."

If accurate, Mr Morel's recollections suggested that the route Diana and Dodi Al Fayed were taking was known in advance. Until then it had always been thought that chauffeur Henri Paul was following an unexpected route in order to shake off paparazzi photographers.

Mr Morel said: "There was an almighty bang and a great big flash of light. Immediately my wife and I realised there had been a crash. My first thought was that those inside the tunnel were connected with what had happened. This thought has never left me. We could see a car coming from the opposite direction had gone straight into a pillar. All of the other drivers stopped, so I did too. It was then that I also saw a white Fiat Uno being driven away."

The car was later reported to be registered to James Andanson, a paparazzi photographer who committed suicide in 2000. Detectives working on the inquiry into Diana's death, headed by former Scotland Yard chief Lord Stevens, considered his account so important that he was flown to London and interviewed for three days.

Gary Dean said he saw the Mercedes just before it entered the tunnel: "It was traveling very fast and gave off a whooshing noise as it entered the tunnel as if the driver had hit the clutch but failed to change gear."

Clifford G., an off-duty chauffeur, was on the Place de la Reine Astrid, a triangular park area near the tunnel entrance. His attention was drawn to the tunnel entrance by the loud whine of an automobile engine. He saw a Mercedes heading towards the tunnel at an estimated speed of more than 60 mph:

"I also saw a big motorcycle pass. I can't tell you how many people were on it. The motorcycle was going fast . . . would put the motorcycle at 30-40 metres behind the Mercedes."

He was later angered by the photographers, in an account he told investigators:

"I noticed four or five men around the wrecked Mercedes. It was obvious that the four occupants were wounded. There was blood, their bodies were sprawled every which way inside the Mercedes. Yet these men photographed the car and the wounded from every angle. Seeing this spectacle, I shouted,'That's all you can do instead of calling for help?' "

The witness known as Thierry H claimed he saw a car driven by paparazzi blocking Diana's Mercedes exit from a road which would have avoided the route through the Point d'Alma tunnel (although it is unclear how he knew that they were paparazzi). He had been driving in the right lane of the express road near the Alexander III Bridge, approximately 800 metres before the Alma tunnel.

He was "passed by a vehicle moving at a very high speed. I estimated its speed at about 75 mph to 80 mph. It was a powerful black car, I think a Mercedes ... This car was clearly being pursued by several motorcycles, I would say four to six of them. Some were mounted by two riders. These motorcycles were tailing the vehicle and some tried to pull up alongside it."

In 1997 it was reported that the whereabouts of a British secretary from London, and working in Paris, Brenda Wells, driving in the tunnel at the time of Diana's crash were "shrouded in mystery". It was claimed that she had "disappeared" from her flat in Champigny sur Marne shortly after giving her statement to the French police after she and her husband had been told to go into hiding and not to speak about what she had seen (Sunday Mirror, 9th November 1997).

She had told police how she was forced off the road by a motorbike following Diana's Mercedes at high speed. She also saw a dark-coloured car and in her statement she claimed:

"After a party with my friends, I was returning to my home. A motorbike with two men forced me off the road. It was following a big car. Afterwards in the tunnel there were very strong lights like flashes. After that, a black car arrived. The big car had come off the road. I stopped and five or six motorbikes arrived and started taking photographs. They were crying 'It's Diana'"

Paris/Wiesbaden, Sept. 9th 1997 (EIRNS) There are two separate witnesses, both of whom choose to remain anonymous, who are quoted by the newspaper Journal du Dimanche, saying that a car driving in front of the Mercedes S280, forced the Mercedes to start braking, as it entered the tunnel. The first witness said:

"The Mercedes was driving on the right hand, shortly before the entry of the tunnel, preceded by a dark-colored automobile, of which make I cannot say. This car clearly was attempting to force the Mercedes to brake . . . The driver of the Mercedes veered into the left-hand lane, and then entered the tunnel.''

The witness said that what drew his attention to the scene, was the loud sound of the Mercedes' gears being suddenly lowered. The other witness, who was walking along the riverside, said he was surprised by the "sound of a motor humming very loudly.''

He said he saw a Mercedes "travelling behind another automobile. I believe that the reason the Mercedes accelerated so suddenly, was to try to veer into the left lane, and pass that car.''

The second witness interviewed by Journal du Dimanche was walking along the Seine River, when he was startled by "the sound of a motor humming very loudly." He said he saw a Mercedes "travelling behind another automobile. I believe the reason the Mercedes accelerated so suddenly, was to try to veer into the left lane, and pass that car."

Police at the scene had gathered up evidence - a side mirror and fragments of a tail light -suggesting that a two-car collision had occurred. A police sketch, drawn at the crash site, labelled a section of the tunnel the "collision zone." Several witnesses, interviewed during the first week after the crash, had described a small hatchback car, cutting in front of the Mercedes at the tunnel entrance, jamming its breaks inside the tunnel.

From the moment that the first eyewitnesses came forward to speak to the media and the French police, there were reports that a dark-colored car had smashed into the Mercedes a split second before the crash. For two weeks, the French authorities leaked story after story to the press, dismissing the idea of a "second car" as sheer foolishness and outright interference in their investigation.

However, on Sept. 15, the London Daily Telegraph, in a story by Julian Nundy from Paris, noted, "Paris police investigating the crash . . . have found a mysterious scratch along the right-hand side of the tangled wreckage of, the Mercedes. Although investigators say they had '98%' dismissed theories that another vehicle ahead of the Mercedes might have caused it to swerve out of control, they say the paint stripe along the side of the car, could indicate a brush with another vehicle."

The same day, another eyewitness, who requested to remain anonymous, told France 2 television, "At that time I saw two cars. One a sedan-type of a dark color, accelerated sharply, and from that moment, the Mercedes, which was going very fast, bumped into the sedan, and lost control."

The French authorities finally admitted that they had, indeed, found the paint marks of a Fiat Uno on the right-side of the mangled Mercedes plus parts of a rear brake light fixture embedded in the front of the Mercedes, and other parts of a Fiat Uno near the crash site. Yet, no Fiat Uno owner had come forward to tell police that he or she had been involved in the crash. The owner and driver are unknown.

The French police, a month after the crash, finally began their search for the missing Fiat Uno. The first accounts, consistent with all the witness stories, described the missing Fiat Uno as dark blue. But, subsequent accounts, all leaked by the French police, described the missing car as black, red, and white.

EIR learned that the French police had established that the missing Fiat Uno was a turbo model manufactured between 1984 and 1987. This Fiat has a higher acceleration rate than the Mercedes 280-S, and a higher top speed. This means that the Fiat was capable of passing and cutting off the Mercedes, and accelerating to avert serious damage in a collision.

Some accounts claimed that the nearest paparazzi were 400 metres behind the Mercedes 280-S at the point the crash took place. This is discredited by the testimony of Anderson, Levy, and Wells, as well as a half-dozen other eyewitnesses who requested to remain anonymous.

At the moment of the crash at the Place de L' Alma tunnel, London attorney Gary Hunter 41, was in Paris with his wife for her birthday. They were in their room on the third floor of the Royal Alma Hotel, at 35 Rue Jean Goujon. His account was cited on September 22, 1997, by Agence-France-Presse. , Hunter later recounted, on Nov. 12, what he heard and saw:

At approximately 12:25 a.m., on Sunday, Aug. 31, through the open window of his hotel room, Hunter heard the sounds of the automobile crash inside the tunnel. He ran to the window. Hunter, contrary to initial accounts in the London Sunday Times on Sept. 21, had no line of sight on the tunnel, which was behind the hotel.

"I was in my hotel room overlooking the tunnel and heard a car speeding from that direction . . . I jumped up and saw a small dark-coloured car drive up the street with another car practically stuck to it's back bumper . . . the first car looked like a Fiat Uno or a Renault Clio. The white car was a Mercedes . . . they both spun round together and sped off down the street at a suicidal pace, more than 100 miles per hour . . . I thought it was very strange that they were travelling so dangerously close to each other . . . their behaviour made me wonder exactly what they had been up to in the tunnel when the crash happened."

The first car was a dark vehicle, which was immediately followed by a white vehicle which, he believes, was a Mercedes. The two cars sped past the hotel "at break-neck speed, almost reckless speed." Hunter told the Sunday Times that he thought they were travelling at 60-70 mph. The two cars were driving in tandem, "with the white car nearly on the bumper of the smaller dark car."

The two vehicles sped up to the corner past the hotel, where there is a traffic circle. They sped out of sight. The strange behavior of the two cars, according to Hunter, "made me feel it may be linked to the crash sounds in the tunnel. . . . My initial thoughts were that these were people fleeing from something."

At the time he saw the two cars speeding past his hotel, Gary Hunter had no idea that the crash in the tunnel under the Place de L'Alma had involved Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed. He did not learn of their deaths until the next morning, and, as Hunter described it to EIR, he and his wife were shattered by the news. On Monday, the Hunters returned to London. By Tuesday morning, Hunter decided that "what I saw may have been important."

He contacted attorneys for the al Fayed family. They made an appointment to meet on Wednesday, which was postponed. They finally met, in London, on Thursday morning, and Gary Hunter told the lawyers what he had heard and seen. The attorneys assured him that his verbal account would be passed on to the French authorities investigating the crash. Indeed, on Friday, Sept. 5, Hunter was called by the al Fayed attorneys, who confirmed that his account had been delivered to the appropriate French officials.

Hunter didn't hear from the French police. On Sept. 8, Hunter returned to Paris, where he was scheduled to give an interview to NBC-TV. While in Paris, he contacted the French authorities and volunteered to give them a statement. They refused to see him. Hunter told EIR that his decision to give an interview to the London Sunday Times was motivated by concern that the French refused to interview him.

Two days after his interview appeared in the Sunday Times, he got a response - of sorts. The London Evening Standard published a story, based on unnamed sources in the French investigative squad, branding Hunter's story "ludicrous." The unnamed officials were quoted as saying that they were "tired of the meddling" in their investigation.

It was only after the Fiat Uno story was finally corroborated, and Hunter's remarks picked up by other media, that the French authorities finally asked Scotland Yard to take a statement from him. That took place at the end of October.

Brian Anderson, an American businessman from California, was driving in a taxi along the Voie George Pompidou, when he saw the Mercedes 280-S driving past, with two motorcycles and other cars right on its tail. Anderson told reporters from NBC "Dateline" that the Mercedes was travelling at a rapid, but safe speed, of approximately 60 miles per hour, but that there were clearly other vehicles attempting to harass the Mercedes, as it headed toward the tunnel entrance. Anderson also noted that the driver of the Mercedes appeared to be perfectly in command of the situation, and showed no signs of being drunk.

"I noticed one of the motorcycles going and attempting to pass on the left side of the car. In between is like an abutment. The beginning of what eventually begins to become the tunnel. I saw the motorcycle get over and begin like he was going through the passing movement . . . I did see motorcycles. Two, three people - one single and one with two people and the one with the two people was the one that actually tried to make, getting between the left hand side.

My attention was drawn away, the cab came to a sudden stop and I saw an object passing in front of us, crossing over. Sparks were flying, there was dust, there was a lot of noise and it happened very quickly and the car came down and rested on its tires. In that instant the horn went off."

He offered to give a statement to the French police and for his troubles, he had his passport confiscated for hours. Yet, the police never came to take a formal statement from him.

On September 4th 1997, Reuters in Paris reported that a retired ship's captain from Rouen, France, Francoise Levistre (or Levi) had told them that he was driving just ahead of Diana's Mercedes as the cars entered the tunnel, when he saw a motorcycle swerve directly in front of the Mercedes, making it lose control. He had come to Paris for an evening out with his wife Valerie, when noticed many headlights bobbing up and down behind him in his rearview mirror as he approached the road tunnel under the Point d'Alma where the Mercedes crashed. From his home Rouen in Normandy, Levi told Reuters:

"I said to my wife Valerie that there must be big shot behind us with a police escort. Then l went down into the tunnel and, again in my rearview mirror l saw the car in the middle of the tunnel with the motorcycle on its left, pulling ahead and then swerving to the right directly in front of the car . . . as the motorcycle swerved and before the car lost control, there was a flash of light but then l was out of the tunnel and heard, but did not see the impact . . . l immediately pulled my car over to the curb but my wife said 'Let's get out of here. Its a terror attack' " (Reuters, Paris, Quoted on Internet 4/9/97).

Levi added that there were two people on the motorcycle, and that he did not know if the explosion of light he saw as the motorcycle ran close to the car was a camera flash. Apparently, lawyers for the Al Fayed family told Reuters that Levi had contacted them 4 days earlier with his testimony and spoke to officials at The Ritz Hotel in Paris. They advised him to give the information to the Police which he did.

Mohamed Medjahdi and Souad Mousakkir were driving on the Voie Georges Pompidou at about 50 mph in their Citroen, in front of the Mercedes, and Medjahdi told Fox TV that he saw two cars speed past the Mercedes, as others were coming up menacingly from behind. He said Diana’s Mercedes limousine had been speeding towards him and "slewing across the carriageway . . . completely out of control".

The Algerian-born 29-year-old said he accelerated away just before there was an explosion and the limousine crashed into a concrete pillar and the tunnel wall. "It was a dreadful sound, like a bomb exploding, magnified and echoing around the underpass. Even today, six years later, I can’t get the sight and sound out of my head. I can still hear the screeching of those brakes."

He insisted there were no other vehicles or photographers in sight when the crash happened, adding: "I am absolutely convinced, clear and certain, that this was a tragedy - but it was an accident."

Souad Mousakkir, his companion in the car at the time, is quoted as saying the Fiat came up very fast alongside the car she was in, then slowed down so they were side by side. She described the driver as in his mid-thirties, Mediterranean, "short because his head was only just above the steering wheel," and with very dark brown, wiry hair. "He had a very strange expression, like his mind was thinking about something else," she was quoted as saying. "I thought he was a madman."

She said she told Medjadhi to speed away and that "a moment later we heard the screech of tires," the newspaper said. She said she looked around and saw the Mercedes slide out of control, come toward them, then hit a pillar. "I looked for the Fiat but it had disappeared. The Mercedes must have gone out of control trying to avoid it," she was quoted as saying.

The newspaper said Mouffakir had remained silent since 1997 because she was afraid of being killed, but it did not indicate whom she feared. It said she had split three years ago from Medjahdi.

Malo France, a taxi driver, passed through the eastbound lane of the tunnel with a passenger moments after the accident occurred. He stopped briefly. "It was horrible," he said, "the worst accident I have ever seen. I made the sign of the cross over my heart. I thought, God save them, and God protect us from these types of accidents. In the front seat there was a man. I also saw a woman with blond hair. She was crying, very loudly. There were two different voices, one a man and one a woman."

12:25 a.m: The crash occurred.

The Time magazine story revealed two skids marks "... a 62 ft. long skid mark that swerves from the right into the left lane. A short distance beyond that is the beginning of a 105-ft. long skid mark that leads directly into the 13th pillar.

Virtually all news accounts in the immediate hours after the crash reported that the speedometer of the Mercedes had been frozen at over 180 kilometres per hour, when the first rescue workers and witnesses arrived on the scene.

The car's manufacturer, Daimler Benz, claimed that whenever a Mercedes 280-S is in an accident, even a crash at reasonably slow speed, the speedometer will freeze at zero. It is no wonder that the French authorities rejected Daimler Benz's offer to send a team of safety engineers to France to assist in the crash investigation. Two weeks later, the French police "corrected" the error; but this time, the media scarcely reported the correction.

Sep 1 Newsweek said that not one of the tunnel witnesses "saw a white car."

The ABC News account said: "A picture was taken showing Diana not looking at the photographer taking the picture but at a motorcycle behind the car. To do so she had to fully turn around, and it would appear that she was trying to identify those on the motorcycle. The white paint scratches were found on the right front end of the Mercedes, on the right rear-view mirror that was ripped away and several dozen yards away from where the Mercedes came to a halt."

Gaelle L. reported: "As we entered the Alma tunnel, we heard a loud noise of screeching tires. At that moment, in the opposite lane, we saw a large car approaching at high speed. This car swerved to the left, then went back to the right and crashed into the wall with its horn blaring. I should note that in front of this car, there was another, smaller car. I think this vehicle was black, but I'm not sure. Behind the big car there was a large motorcycle. I can't be sure how many riders were on it."

Gaelle and her boyfriend, Benoit B., parked outside the tunnel and ran into the tunnel to flag down oncoming vehicles. She borrowed a cell phone and called French fire department's specialized emergency squad. The call was received at 12:26 a.m., thus making it the first contact with emergency services.

Joanna Luz said: "It was a blue Mercedes and the airbag was on the passenger side, for sure, and the horn, right after the huge explosion there was a horn - for about two minutes and I think that was the driver up against the steering wheel."

Tom Richardson said: "So I and another gentleman ran into the tunnel to see if we could help anybody get out of the car and a gentleman at the car, at the scene, was starting to run towards us out of the tunnel like the car was about to explode, so we turned and ran out of the tunnel . . . About fifteen seconds later we turned around . . . and the paparazzi snapping off pictures".

October 9, 1997, ABC News, Paris, reported: "Investigators probing the Paris crash in which Princess Diana died have concluded a second car was probably involved in the accident, a police official said today."

The bright flash

Bernard Dartevelle, the attorney for the Ritz Hotel, told Associated Press' Paris correspondent, Jocelyn Noveck, on Sept. 8, that he had been shown copies of two photographs confiscated by Paris police, that showed driver Henri Paul blinded by a bright flash of light. Dartevelle described the two pictures:

"One sees very distinctly the driver dazzled by a flash. One sees very distinctly the bodyguard at his side, who with a brisk gesture lowers the visor to protect himself from the flash, and one sees very distinctly Princess Diana turning to look behind the vehicle, and one sees very distinctly the yellow headlight of a motorcycle." Dartevelle added, "The photo taken before the first photo of the accident shows the Mercedes taken from very close. . . . A driver, who is maybe a photographer, and a motorcyclist, also perhaps a photographer, are very directly implicated in this accident."

Security experts have confirmed that both British and French intelligence services have developed and deployed mobile lasers, or dazers, which temporarily blind a target, and also cause sudden, sharp, paralyzing pain in the optic nerve. These anti-personnel lasers, which have been used in Africa, the Balkans, and in the Persian Gulf War, are light and mobile, and could easily be used from the back seat of a car. One type of these "dazer" devices widely available in Europe, is the size of a fountain pen, and can be purchased for $35.

Other sources told EIR that many of the paparazzi carry cameras that are equipped with super-powered flashes, that are capable of penetrating bullet-proof glass, and dark-tinted glass, to photograph passengers inside targeted cars. These flashes give off near-blinding light. The Mercedes 280-S that was carrying Dodi and Diana was not bullet-proofed nor did it have specially darkened windows.

Contact Music – February 7, 2006 said: New witnesses have told British detectives, leading a fresh enquiry into the fatal August 1997 accident, they saw a motorcyclist point a laser into the eyes of chauffeur Henri Paul, causing the Mercedes to crash inside the Pont De L'Alma tunnel in Paris, France. One witness said he saw "an enormous radar-like flash of light", reports UK newspaper the Daily Express.

Peter Allen, in the Daily Express, June 3, 2006, reported: "A former secret service agent who has spent time in prison for writing about his spying experiences, is understood to have twice met team members of the Lord Stevens inquiry into the death of Diana and assisted them. He is believed to have given them vital evidence about Henri Paul’s links with MI6, for whom the driver was a paid agent."

His home was raided in France by agents of the DST, or Directorate for Territorial Surveillance, the French equivalent of MI5, supported by police officers. On one occasion he suggested that a laser gun may have been used to blind Paul, so ensuring that he drove his Mercedes into the wall of the Alma underpass in Paris.

He revealed that the “blinding flash” in the tunnel bore all the hallmarks of a secret service plot. The light described by witnesses was too powerful to be mistaken for a photographer flashgun. The laser technique is standard training for MI6 officers and is so powerful it can bring down a helicopter by blinding the pilot.

Tomlinson said: “When I heard witnesses in Paris talk about a bright flash before Diana’s car crash it made sense. A tunnel is a perfect place for an assassination, with fewer witnesses.”

Tomlinson has confessed that, when he was an agent, he saw an MI6 file on a paid informant based at the Paris Ritz hotel. It was widely assumed at the time that this was Paul. Tomlinson was able to name names and provide a wealth of circumstantial detail to the enquiry that pointed to the involvement of the intelligence services in her death. The sworn testimony was overlooked by Judge Stephan’s inquiry and subsequently ignored by the mainstream media.

At the crash site

Romuald Rat, who was later charged with possible complicity in the Mercedes crash, was observed, by one eyewitness at the crash site, leaning over Princess Diana as she lay semi-conscious in the back seat of the Mercedes, just before the first emergency rescue crew arrived.

From L'Express, June, 25 1998. Original in French. (p 48 ff) - Stéphane Darmon, partner of Romuald Rat, arrived at the scene of the crash on a motorcycle (mounted two-up with Rat): “I saw the car [the Mercedes] in the tunnel, jammed up against the right-hand wall. I took a rapid decision to overtake. I drove over glass shards, and stopped 10 metres further on. Romuald got off immediately and went in the direction of the car.”

Romuald Rat said: “When I got off the bike I left my helmet down. I told Stéphane to go on a bit with the bike, and I ran towards the car.

Two more photographers (Serge Arnal and Christian Martinez) arrive at the scene in a black Fiat. Martinez said: “We came by the car very quickly, at about 90-100 kph. We stopped about 20 metres further on. I don't remember if there were other vehicles there at the time. Some vehicles had already stopped on the other side of the road, but not on our side. I took out my camera. We went towards the crash scene and that's where I remember seeing Rat. He seemed shocked by what had happened, and was wandering aimlessly.”

Serge Arnalsaid: “Once I got out of the car, I didn't get too close, as I hate the sight of blood. I saw the state of the car, and realised it was very serious. I used my mobile phone to call the emergency services. It was my first reflex. I had to move away from the site of the accident to get a better line. I went towards the exit of the tunnel in the direction of Trocadéro." Arnal is reported to have dialed 12 instead of the correct number, 112.

A pedestrian, Belkacem B., arrived on foot: "I tried to open the door on the woman's side, but could not. I was the first to try to open one of the car doors, as it happens the one which seemed the easiest but which, all the same, resisted. As I arrived in the tunnel, I also saw the flash of cameras coming from behind the car. I saw there were four photographers. As I tried to open one of the car doors, I asked the photographers and especially the biggest of them (Romuald Rat) what we had to do. The fat photogrpaher who was taking pictures of the car said to me: 'Don't touch anything. It's Princess Diana. She's with Dodi!'"

Romuald Rat decided to try to open the right-hand back door of the Mercedes: "I went back to the rear of the car, where the Princess was. I remember somebody showed up carrying a small white oxygen mask.”

He placed her head in a position that made it easier to breathe and to administer an oxygen mask. He also used a portable telephone to call the emergency medical service, describe the location of the accident and the nature of the injuries.

12:28 Dr Frédéric Mailliez, of SOS-Médecins, happened to be driving the other direction and stopped his car near the accident. He took in the scene and immediately observed that Fayed and a driver were dead. He pinpointed the location on a map and called for help by radio, asking for two ambulances and a rescue vehicle for the trapped victims. He took an oxygen mask from his car and went back to the Mercedes.

The front seat passenger was already being attended to by an off-duty firemen who also happened onto the scene. So he turned his attention to the blonde woman in the rear, whose identity was not immediately apparent to him, despite the paparazzi calling out, in a frenzy, that it was Diana.

A man of "Egyptian type" dressed in a striped suit, according to witnesses, asks drivers to reverse away from the scene. Another passer-by sees a police patrol car on the cours Albert 1er.

Sébastien Dorzee, one of the two officers [the other is Lino Gaggliardone] said: “There was a group of 10 to 15 photographers taking pictures. The flashes were going off like machine guns, and each of them must have shot off a whole film. I immediately got out of the car and ran to the scene. As soon as I saw the accident and the presence of the photographers I thought it must be someone important … I tried to push back the photographers, who were enraged. In the struggle, I was pushed several times. At no time did a photographer come to lend a hand."

On board the Samu ambulance, whose arrival was logged at 0032 hrs, Dr Armold Derossi. Dr Claude Fuilla called for the fire brigade. Reinforcements arrive shortly after - fire trucks from two stations, and two more ambulances from the Necker hospital.

Jean-Marc Martino, anaesthetist and resuscitation surgeon of the Samu, said: "She was agitated and crying out, and did not appear to understand what I was saying to reassure her. “At that time a fire brigade doctor arrived with his crew, and took charge of the front-seat passenger, allowing me to concentrate on the Princess. …We extracted her with difficulty and taking all the necessary precautions, with the aid of the firemen. Despite this, as this was being done, she suffered a cardiac arrest."

Ambulance attendant Michel Massebeuf said: “On our arrival the Samu doctor immediately started treating the Princess, while she was in the car. According to what I saw, that's when she was put on a drip. The firemen extracted the Princess from the crash vehicle. I brought up the trolley, and she was put on."

While this was going on, the fire brigade removed the roof of the Mercedes. The medical staff had decided on the large hospital of la Pitié-Salpêtrière, just minutes from the Gare d'Austerlitz.

Prefect of police Philippe Massoni had contacted Interior Minister Jean-Pierre Chevènement, fortunately in residence at his second home in the Paris suburbs. The minister wanted to come to the scene as quickly as possible, but the prefect advised him to go instead to the hospital.

Massoni also contacted Christine Albanel, cultural adviser to French president Jacques Chirac, on duty at the Elysée Palace, Patrick Rioux, chief of the Judiciary Police, and Martine Monteil, head of the Criminal Brigade. She decided to follow events rather than wake the president immediately. Prime Minister Lionel Jospin was also alerted in La Rochelle. He made an immediate flight to Paris on board an official plane. Christine Albanel called British Ambassador Sir Michael Jay, who called the Queen's private secretary at Balmoral, then went to the hospital. Prince Charles wa contacted. He informed the Queen but left his two sons to sleep on.

Police and eyewitness reports and even the accounts of some of the photographers agree on this point: the paparazzi were in a state of excitement bordering on frenzy.

Stanley Culbreath, a US tourist who was one of the first to reach the Princess's car described "the unimaginable delay" before anyone tried to free her from the wrecked Mercedes. He said: "It was at least 15 minutes before an ambulance arrived and the one policeman who was there made no attempt to help anyone who was in that wreck . . . It was as if those there had decided nothing could be done."

Mr. Culbreath had just left the Eiffel Tower after a late-night sightseeing trip with two business companions, Clarence Williams and Mike Williams, when they drove to the entrance of the tunnel. He said: "The front passenger door was thrown open and I could see another man (Trevor Rees-Jones). His face was pushed into the airbag . . . His feet were out of the door and were just touching the floor. Police finally forced Culbreath and his companions to leave the tunnel."

12:32 The first unit of the Sapeurs-Pompiers, a military emergency service, arrived within seven minutes and began to administer treatment.

At 12:40 a.m.,15 minutes after the accident, the first SAMU ambulance arrived with its on-board physician. In a deposition given later to French investigators, the physician said Diana was agitated, crying out, and did not seem to understand everything he said to reassure her. He added that she repeatedly moved her left arm and right leg. He immediately started an IV drip.

Carlo Zaglia, an off duty fireman who comforted Diana, told how she repeatedly asked: 'What's happened? What's going on?' Zaglia, who did not give evidence to the official investigation, said: 'She could speak, she could hear and her eyes were open.' Zaglia said he remembered Diana trying to stand up but finding she was trapped in the wreckage.
Trapped in the wreck or not

The Scotsman notes that contrary to the impression given by the British Embassy in Paris, Diana had not been trapped in the wreckage of the crashed Mercedes Benz, but was free to be removed instantly from the car by equipment available on the ambulance.

Dr. Maillez and Time's own account said Diana faced no impediment and there was no need to cut the roof to remove her from the car. In fact, Maillez' companion Mark Budt said: "…the portion of the car that she was in, that quarter was basically undamaged."Guardian on September 1, 1997.

However. French police gave out the statement that the race to cut her free was proving difficult. The problem was the car's dense armor plating. "The car is extremely heavy and needs experience to drive it," a police officer said. "The specially reinforced steel made it extremely difficult to cut through and reach Princess Diana and the injured bodyguard in the front seat after the crash."

For weeks, the French authorities justified the long delay in getting Princess Diana to a hospital with claims that the rear compartment of the car had been crushed, and it required a lengthy effort by French firemen and rescue workers to pry her body loose from the back seat. Eventually, after a number of early eyewitnesses inside the tunnel came forward, the French government was forced to retract the story, and admit that the rear compartment had not been damaged in the crash.

She was not brought to Val de Grace, Cochin Hospital, the Hotel Dieu, Lariboisiere, or the private American Hospital - all of which were closer than La Pitie Salpetriere.

One highly respected French doctor who specialized in emergency response, told EIR that Princess Diana should have been taken to the Val de Grace, "which is much closer than La Pitie. That is a military hospital. Every political figure who is in a car crash or is injured is taken there." The doctor added: "The firemen, who were on the scene of the crash, are part of the Army. They undoubtedly notified the Val de Grace, which has a top team of trauma specialists on duty 'round the clock. I might have helicoptered her in. She would have been on the operating block a few minutes after being stabilized."

September 10, 1997, Paris (Reuter): Princess Diana's final words as she lay fatally injured in a Paris car wreck were "Leave me alone, leave me alone," the French daily Le Parisien reported.

At about 0040, when they failed to see the Mercedes containing Diana and Dodi arrive at the apartment in the rue Arséne-Houssaye, bodyguard Kes Wingfield and driver Philippe Dourneau started to worry. Of course, it was possible Dodi had changed the programme unexpectedly.

Wingfield tried to beep his colleague Trevor [Rees-Jones] in vain. In front of the entrance [to the apartment] two paparazzi, Stéphane Cardinale and Pierre Suu were also waiting. Suddenly, Dourneau reported: "One of them gets a call on his mobile phone. He goes white. We grasp that he has received some terrible news. We had to insist before he would tell us that Dodi had just had an accident under the pont de l'Alma.”

Diana had had a cardiac arrest while the ambulance staff were extracting her from the car and the SAMU then kept her there at the roadside until 1:18 a.m., when she was placed in an ambulance, which moved off towardsthe end of the tunnel. The ambulance was originally accompanied by two police motorcycles, who "lost" the ambulance when it stopped.

The Los Angeles Times on September 11, 1997 wrote: "Diana was eased into an ambulance and given two motorcycle policemen as escorts. Doctors noticed she was losing blood pressure and her heartbeat was failing. Though very near the hospital, the ambulance had to halt suddenly when the princess's heart stopped beating so she could be given a massive dose of adrenaline."

Massoni called Marcel Vinzerich, public security commissioner on duty, who was directing the convoy from one of the two cars and was told the ambulance had stopped on the pont d'Austerlitz; the doctors had had to undertake an emergency operation.

Michel Massebeuf, ambulance staffer, said: “At the Jardin des Plantes, the doctor asked me to stop. We stopped for about five minutes so he could carry out a treatment which required absolute immobility.”

However, NBC Nightly News, September 10, 1997, reported: "In a rare statement tonight, doctors at the hospital that tried to save the princess denied reports they stopped the ambulance to give Diana a massive dose of adrenaline because her heart stopped. The hospital said nothing about news reports the ambulance did not have the correct blood supplies."

Just before 02:00, Chevénement joined Massoni at la Pitié-Salpêtrière, at the wing containing the intensive care unit. To their "great surprise" the ambulance containing the Princess has not yet arrived. The banks of the Seine had been closed to traffic so that was not an impediment and Piete-Salpetriere hospital was just 6.15 kilometres away.

02:05 The ambulance finally arrived. According to the deposition of the on-duty doctor, who admitted her into the hospital, she arrived alive and with a cardiac rhythm. Within 10 minutes of her arrival, the patient again suffered a cardiac arrest. Despite many moves to revive her, doctors pronounced her deceased at 4:05 a.m.

From The Scotsman: "What is puzzling about the treatment offered to Diana is that she was not hospitalized until her condition had deteriorated to a critical extent. She suffered a series of heart attacks in the tunnel and on the way to the hospital, and had a massive cardiac arrest within minutes of arriving at La Pitie Salpetriere. The truth is that she was dead on arrival in the operating theater, although the surgical team battled against all the odds to revive her.

"No convincing explanation has been offered for the delay. The surgical team at the hospital had a long time in which to prepare for the arrival of their patient. They were in telephone communication with the doctors in the tunnel from the very beginning and were on formal alert from 1 a.m.

Authorities opened up the roadway hours after the accident, thereby obscuring the skidmarks and other evidence and Diana was immediately ordered embalmed by British authorities for her flight back to Britain.

On September 19, 1997 Agence France-Presse reported: "Princess Diana, who died in a car crash in Paris, may have been six-weeks pregnant at the time of the accident, Time magazine said in its latest issue. Time Reported that an emergency-service doctor told the magazine that an associate at the scene said Diana was drifting in and out of consciousness, and at one point saying she was six-weeks pregnant while making a rubbing gesture on her belly."

October 13, 1997: Dr. John Burton, Coroner of the Queen's Household, expressed his frustration at having no authority to call witnesses from abroad and said he would have to rely on a report from French police about August's death crash. He branded it a 'ludicrous situation.'"

Later developments

The Daily Express, February 7, 2006, reported: "Raiders broke into the block where ex-Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lord Stevens is based and stole two laptops. They also made off with other computer equipment. There was no sign of forced entry, and a source close to the burglary investigation described it as “a very professional job”. Three days later, a second incident occurred at the same block of serviced offices – part of a larger Regent Centre development at Gosforth on the outskirts of Newcastle upon Tyne."

Officers from Operation Paget, the Ј4 million inquiry into Diana’s death led by the former head of Scotland Yard Lord Stevens, spoke to Rees-Jones and Wingfield some time ago. But that was before compelling new evidence emerged that Paul’s blood samples were switched in a French laboratory. Sources close to the inquiry believe that the security guards must now be re-interviewed in the light of serious question marks surrounding French forensic evidence involving Paul.

July 24, 2006: The Royal Coroner Michael Burgess has stepped down, blaming pressure of work. Many believe his departure paves the way for a cover-up. Lord Stevens’ 12-strong team of detectives is said to be “bemused” after being left high and dry by Mr Burgess’s sudden resignation. The coroner had been directing their investigation and at times even prevented then interviewing key witnesses.

A source close to the Ј4 million Operation Paget inquiry said: “Because of the evidence available to him, Mr Burgess found it very difficult to say Diana’s death was an accident. Many questions are being raised. But now Mr Burgess is out of the firing line and there is talk the search is on for a tame judge.”

I've tried to avoid any of the gruesome details regarding the deceased and have mentioned none of the uncanny occult aspects of the case, preferring to just present the physical events and testimony.

However, a friend of mine asked directly: "For what reason would the Royal Family have wanted Diana dead?" Despite all the circumstantial above, that's what he sees as the key and he might be right. That's a minefield to answer and it depends on how kooky you'd like that answer.

At a moderate, plausible level, the Muslim baby seems a good enough reason but it doesn't seem to hold up, given Charles' wanting to be the defender of the faiths, plural. The pro-Muslim bias of the British FCO, upper class and media also seem to belie that reason. On the other hand, as a Stewart, descended from the Merovingians [and the Royal Family is pretty hot on lineage], Dodi's baby might well have been seen as upsetting the applecart.

For me, it had to be that Diana was going to or had already spilled the beans on what the Royal Family was really up to. Andrew Morton suggested that she let the cat out of the bag on the Fergie divorce to take the heat of herself. Near the end, she gave the impression of being quite a loose cannon and I don't think she was above getting her own back.

Some have suggested that she wouldn't have been privy to too many family secrets, despite being Charles' wife. No, but she may have been privy to something else - some things she'd witnessed or had been drawn into or had sworn never to reveal. The dozen or so figures in the tunnel that night, if the testimony of Morel can be counted [and who knows, one way or the other], points to a ritualistic aspect to this thing.

The minimum which can be said is that it was extreme negligence, manslaughter, in other words, on the part of the paparazzi. The Henri drunkenness seems clearly a beat up. On the other hand, if Diana's surmise, her fear, was correct and not just paranoia, then what better way to do it than for an agent to use a Dazer, whilst masquerading as paparazzi? Blame falls on the photographers - everyone's happy.

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