Tuesday, September 18, 2007

[playing g-d] the mindset of those in power [2]

[continued from the homepage]

This last is the charge I bring against the authorities in Britain's 7/7 - selective incompetence and tardiness in a fragmented chain of command. dismissive of early warnings and considering them only with hindsight, like the call made 11 seconds before the blast and the Israeli warning which diffused to the point that when officially questioned, the embassy said it "could not remember" who phoned the warning.

This was also the situation with 911. I can do a separate post on this one. Very difficult to make stick and easily dismissed as fanciful, I'd agree, except that it has demonstrably happened over and over.

That was Trotsky. Once we start on the financing of Germany in wartime, it's more of the same but this is just a blogpost, not a tome.

The corruption of power

Every one of these exalted people above has been selected from above. He's been noticed, as Cheney was by Rumsfeld, as Liddy was by Mitchell. To be noticed, as I myself have, is a buzz. Look at the comments on my Blogroll page and I myself am just a nobody. Look at the Dale list and Iain is a somebody.

We then get into "brownie points". Every one of the "raised up" will do what is necessary and go along with higher wishes or else they know they're out. This is how it happens. They now have the cushy lifestyle, well lined by enough cash and investments to provide for their families and they're not lightly going to give this up.

The hush power of the "higher" life, in terms of material comfort, is enormously hard to give up. I had it and relinquished it. I have it again to a smaller extent and enjoy the small space of time I have it in - i.e. when I'm on some job. I sit in lounges which aren't listed or guest places not listed but only as long as I'm on the job. Then it's back to the flat.

When my girl and I travelled, we always stayed five star. The kind of respect and deference we were accorded affected her greatly and there are not too many Russian girls who'd had that sort of thing. I liked it too but understood, [as she possibly did, deep down], that it was predicated entirely on the supply of cash. Cash runs out, so does the respect. Think of Pretty Woman.

On the other hand, any respect I enjoy on this blogsite is predicated in how I write and how I treat others. I prefer it this way.

Descent to bestiality

Matt Bivens, Moscow Times, June 7, 2004: Reuters quoted a general at Chernokozovo bragging: "We've done all this remodeling. Soon this will look like a regular American-style jail."

May Lai, Lt William Calley, Chechnya where Politkovskaya mentioned a woman who'd been attached to two vehicles and torn apart, Abu Ghraib - wherever occupying forces have initially gone in under a military code of conduct, some time later the word filters down that anything that happens will have a blind eye turned to it.

There is a most definited descent to the bestial rather than an ascent to the noble in every case. Kosovo for example - gangs rampaging, raping and murdering not with summary executions but with refinements. Darfur with girls tied back to back and burned, babies with eyes gouged out, under non-intervening UN eyes.

Again and again we come to the method - nothing direct but also doing nothing to stop it. These are the true crimes from above. Letting it be known that if something happens - well, things happen in war. And as the Chernokozovo general intimated - these "facilities" had to be built. With money. Whose money?

And as everyone knows, the ones above cover their tracks and expend enormous amounts of energy ensuring nothing can be traced back. Except that fragments do come out from time to time. But just fragments and these are all we have to go on.


Look at your history. What has the agenda always been? Unrest, financial panic, recession, depression, breakdown of law and order, strong man arises to set it straight, march to war, devastation of the masses, profits for the profiteers with the inside info.

Every time. Did you see this headline, which we can now add to Merkel's "can't rule out war" quote and call for a pan-European army, centred in Bavaria?

French minister: Prepare for war with Iran

This is the result of the Boys Club mentality [though Merkel is in the middle of it too]. All of these men are educated, urbane, well-dressed, were bits of lads earlier in their life, with a rollicking, devil-may-care humour, a black humour, with disdain for the "sheep" as they see the common people.

Stroke of the pen and the nation's at war and what a jolly jape, eh? By Bertie, we'll set Jerry by his ears and send him home to think again. Good old Dad's Army will rally to the noble bugle call as well. Charge of the Light Brigade, the shining light of heroism as our brave lads fall.

Jolly good Nietschean stuff - bit of boom boom to keep the populace on its toes, what?

Except for the deaths of young boys in the mud, the dysentry, flies, bereaved families, dislocation as people lose everything and let's not forget the bestial tortures and cruelty and for no other reason than that a bunch of good ole boys in their clubs decided a war was well overdue.


He heavily influenced and was influenced by the privately run Fed's absolute control over interest rates and the mechanism of credit, which has now been centralized even further with the latest "squeeze" and though not directly in the White House, nevertheless saw the financial documents cross his desk.

He then comes out at this point in the game and says it was all about oil. Were these the mumblings of a senile old man or one of the steps factored in to add to the public outcry to bring the troops home? He's no left-liberal. He was one of the good ole boys. The Boy's Club.

I know the Boy's Club very well and people would walk over their own grandmothers to get into it because it carries respect, prestige, first name basis and calm affluence with it. Very seductive, very corrosive.

And ultimately evil.

Monday, September 17, 2007

[playing g-d] the mindset of those in power

[continued from the home page]

Psychiatric old boys network

Psychiatrist under scrutiny again by William Birnbauer April 18, 2004

The complaints include allegations of assault by staff, the use of electroconvulsive therapy and pain-inducing injections on children as well as sexual assault. NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark apologised in 2001 to about 100 former Lake Alice patients and the Government paid $5.3 million in compensation to settle a class action.

Dr Leeks at the time defended his methods in a newspaper, saying his unit was full of murderers, rapists and liars. He had an open hand to do what he could with them because they were too much for social welfare institutions and too destructive for the Education Department.

Dr. Ewen Cameron

This psychiatrist who conducted CIA funded experiments on his psychiatric patients, at the Allen Memorial Psychiatric Institute in Montreal, was the target of two lawsuits against the CIA and the Canadian government by his psychiatric patients, who had been unwittingly involved in his experiments, which involved electroshock, sensory deprivation, psychic driving, and drugs, reportedly in an effort to wipe out a person.

From Sustainable Development, by Laurene Conner


Gore wrote "that monotheism was once useful because it was a profoundly empowering idea" However, he says " 'empowerment' must now be obtained by consulting 'the wisdom instilled by all faiths.'" "This panreligious perspective" he continues, "may prove especially important where our global civilization's responsibility for the earth is concerned."

"We must all become partners in a bold effort to change the very foundation of our civilization. . . . We must make the rescue of the environment the central organizing principle for civilization."


# A Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders On Human Survival formed in 1988 was cosponsored by the Temple of Understanding and the above-mentioned UN Global Committee. The president of the Temple of Understanding (located at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City) is the Very Reverend James Parks Morton, former Dean of the Cathedral and co-chair of the Council of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders for Human Survival. This Global Forum held meetings at Oxford, England (1988) and in Moscow (1990).

# The principal speaker at Oxford, James Lovelock, a Fellow of the Lindisfarne Association (a New Age group headquartered at the Cathedral) had authored the book The Ages of Gaia. He told his Oxford audience "on Earth she (Gaia) is the source of everlasting life and is alive now; she gave birth to humankind and we are part of her". Lovelock believes "Orthodox Christianity, properly understood, is a distortion of the pure forms of religious truth" and that "we must immediately return to the worship of the Earth goddess if we are to save ourselves from destruction." ["What On Earth Is Gaia?" by Karen Kurth. Free World Research, Iowa Report. Box 4633, Des Moines. IA 50306, Dec. 1992, p.3.]

# Francis Cardinal Stafford, while Archbishop of Denver, Co., writing in 1993 on "The New Age Movement" specifically mentioned paganism as a basic quality of this theosophy: New Agers "find their ideological allies in the 'Gaia' variant of the ecological movement. . . . The characteristic feature of the various expressions of (this movement)" he notes, "is their common reversion to the ancient pagan morality of responsibility to the cosmos." ["The New Age Movement - Analysis of a New Attempt to Find Solutions Apart from Christian Faith" by Archbishop J. Francis Stafford, L'Osservatore Romano. Italy, Jan. 27, 1993.]

# Alice Bailey, a theosophist along with her husband Foster, established much of what is now known as the New Age Movement. Originally, they founded the Lucifer Publishing Company but shortly thereafter, discretion dictated the name change to Lucis Trust (cf. Forum Focus, Oct. 1991 issue The New Age Movement). It has served as a catalyst for a number of New Age organizations including World Goodwill.

# Dormant for several years after a major expose by Edith Roosevelt, the Temple was revived at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in 1984 at a ceremony presided over by Bishop Paul Moore and the Dalai Lama. According to the past executive director, Priscilla Pedersen, its present board overlaps that of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission.

# Also according to journalist Edith Roosevelt, when he was Secretary of Defense in the early-1960s, Robert McNamara prayed to the full moon along the Potomac River.

# Among the writers of "Occasional Papers" reproduced by World Goodwill are Robert Muller, World Core Curriculum, Vaclav Havel, Self Transcendence, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Robert Runcie and His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Talks given at the Global Conference of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival, and H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, an address to the World Conference on "Saving the Ozone Layer".


You can take your pick on bios - Cheney is as good as any:

# "Cheney's manner and authority of voice far outstrip his true abilities," says Chas Freeman, who served under Bush's father as ambassador to Saudi Arabia. "It was clear from the start that Bush required adult supervision -- but it turns out Cheney has even worse instincts. He does not understand that when you act recklessly, your mistakes will come back and bite you on the ass."

# Mark Furcolo, whose father, Foster, had been elected governor as a Democrat, invited Cheney to Cape Cod for a visit. "Dick came back enraptured," Plotkin says. "He was fascinated by the official state cars and planes. The trappings of it got him."

# Then, on October 26th, 1965, the Selective Service announced that childless married men no longer would be exempted from having to fight for their country. Nine months and two days later, the first of Cheney's two daughters, Elizabeth, was born. All told, between 1963 and 1966, Cheney received five deferments.

# Bruce Bradley, of investment firm Bradley, Woods and Company, who hired him in 1973, said: "Cheney saw politics as a game where you never stop pushing. He said the presidency was like one of those giant medicine balls. If you get a hold of it, what you do is, you keep pushing that ball and you never let the other team push back."

# In 1986, he was one of only twenty-one members of the House to oppose the Safe Drinking Water Act. He fought efforts to clean up hazardous waste and backed tax breaks for energy corporations. He repeatedly voted against funding for the Veterans Administration. He opposed extending the Civil Rights Act. He opposed the release of Nelson Mandela from jail in South Africa. He even voted for cop-killer bullets.

# "I don't believe he is an ideologue," says former Sen. Tim Wirth of Colorado.

# Those who have known him over the years remain astounded by what they describe as his almost autistic indifference to the thoughts and feelings of others. "He has the least interest in human beings of anyone I have ever met," says John Perry Barlow, his former supporter. Cheney's freshman-year roommate, Steve Billings, agrees: "If I could ask Dick one question, I'd ask him how he could be so unempathetic."

Rumsfeld appointed him. This is mild compared to the allegations of sociopathy and the sexual assault allegations in Transformation of America.

Masonry [my father was one]

# New member Username: Grace, posted on Saturday, October 11, 2003 - 01:52 pm:

When I was 14, I was accepted as a Rainbow. The Eastern Star would oversee the meetings for Rainbows. They also would oversee the meetings for Job's Daughters, which was an older group of girls. The goal was to grow up and become an Eastern Star, the Eastern Star was grooming us.

The Order of the Odd Fellows / Masonic Lodge was in the hall next to our hall and one day some of us girls who got to the meeting early before the Eastern Star got there, snuck over and started snooping around in the men's Masonic hall. In a large closet we found different colored robes, tall pointy hats that matched the robes, and long poles with strange looking symbols at the end, we didn't know what they were.

We thought it was so funny that grown ups would dress up like wizards and wondered why in the world they would do that, so we put on the robes and hats, carried the poles, and marched around their hall in a big circle like we did in Rainbows. We were pretending like we were Odd Fellows. We chanted while we walked in a big circle like we did in Rainbows only this was beginning to feel weird.

… They just said very solemnly, the girls who went into the men's hall last week...never do it again or the Rainbow hall will be shut down. That took the little grins right off our faces and left us all with a very scary feeling so that none of us ever mentioned what we did or what we saw again, not even among ourselves in private.

# "The Blue Degrees are but the outer or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.

The whole body of the Royal and Sacerdotal Art was hidden so carefully centuries since, in the High degrees, as that it is even yet possible to solve many of the enigmas which they contain.

It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labour in vain and without any true reward, violate his obligations as an adept. Masonry is a Sphinx, buried to the head in the sands heaped around it by the ages."

- Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 819

Kissinger by Fred Branfman, Nov. 15, 2002

# When Frances Fitzgerald and I conducted a February 1975 briefing in Washington, Frank Scottin objected that Kissinger was only trying to preserve democracy in Southeast Asia.

“Oh Frank, cut it out!” objected James Lowenstein, of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “you know that Kissinger's only concern is ensuring that he won't be blamed for the inevitable fall of Indochina.” Saigon fell two months later.

# Kissinger's new book also reveals the central problem facing America today: the rise of a technocratic, unfeeling, but skilled class of baby-boomers who have ascended to the heights of power as the new century begins.

# What is most striking about Kissinger is his amorality, not his immorality; the emptiness, not the evil in his thinking.

# In the past we had most to fear from religious or political ideologues. Today it is the non-ideologues, the quiet types who quietly run our government and dominate our age, the Cheneys and Cards who withdraw from the Kyoto Accord and cut spending on conservation, the Rumsfields who lead the charge for Missile Defense … and so on.

Much more has been written on this, of course.

Various quotes

# General Tommy Franks said: “The worst thing that could happen” is if terrorists acquire and then use a biological, chemical or nuclear weapon that inflicts heavy casualties. If that happens, Franks said, this then “causes our population to question their own Constitution and to begin to militarize the country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event. Which in fact, then begins to unravel the fabric of our Constitution. Two steps, very, very important.”

- Newsmax, 2003

# "The Trilateral Commission doesn't run the world, the Council on Foreign Relations does that!"

- Winston Lord, Assistant Secretary of State, the U. S. State Department.

# December 15, 1922 - The Council on Foreign Relations, to which every President except Kennedy and Reagan have belonged, endorses World Government, in its magazine "Foreign Affairs." Current and past members include Hillary Clinton and Fred Thomson.

# 1961 - The U.S. State Department issues Document 7277, detailing a three-stage plan to disarm all nations and to arm the U.N., to the point where "no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force."

# April 1972 - Chester M. Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University, proclaims in a keynote address: "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances … toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being. It's up to you, teachers, to make all of these sick children well by creating the international child of the future."

# The real menace ... is the invisible government, which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little coterie ... runs our government for its own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...[and] seizes...our executive officers... legislative bodies... schools... courts... newspapers and every agency created for the public protection. - John F. Hylan

# The August 2, 1982 edition of Newsweek magazine reported: "[Bohemian Grove is] the world's most prestigious summer camp … to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged. With its high-powered clientele, coveted privacy and cabalistic rituals, the Bohemian Grove has prompted considerable suspicion."

# Antony C. Sutton, Editor of Phoenix Letter, stated in the October, 1996 edition: "We dismissed this behavior as immature, even pitiful, by emotionally disturbed juveniles and not worth attention. This is where Kissinger, Ford, Nixon, Bechtel, Bush, Cheney, Hoover, Prince Charles and their friends hang out and relax. And if they want to behave like little boys, that is their privilege, it is private property."

Excerpts from a supposed fugitive from the order - your decision

# …such as the grainy films I saw in the 1960s, showing a large round table with 13 members sitting around it, and the words "these are your leaders" spoken as the members rose and pledged allegiance to the coming new order. They were well known, influential, and many were behind the banking system of the modern world…

# Local and national media have been influenced for years by their financial pull. I was taught that the average person would be slowly and unknowingly "edged towards" acceptance of more and more immorality and idolatry.

# They have not created our modern society's ills or weaknesses. But they have encouraged and exploited them, often laughing at the gullibility and lack of moral fibre of the "average citizen". We, as human beings, have created the familial and social climate that is present today in our country.

Brice Taylor, CKLN 88.1 FM Ryerson Polytechnical University Toronto

Source worries me but the only refutation I've seen is that she is still controlled and planted to discredit and trivialize real investigation which was producing results. She gets down to what goes on, as one of the victims. One of her detractors doesn't accept what she says but sees her as fundamentally honest:

# These people, in positions of power, know how to find out what people's weaknesses are, whether sex, drugs, sexual perversion or financial gain - they lure them in and once people have been forced to do the dirty deed, such as with me - and a lot of times it was videotaped - these people were then told 'this will be public knowledge if you don't go along with us'.

# I watched this at the highest level at parties of the elite, where cocaine was flowing, drugs, alcohol, whatever anyone wanted - sex with children, whatever - anything they wanted - people were given. It was perversion at the highest level.

In the end - I'm certainly interested in fisking of any of the above, if it quotes facts, life histories or personal testimony from those who knew these people at a slight distance [clearly not family, colleagues, employees or close friends] but simple "oh I can't believe that" won't do it for me.

If it's wrong - please prove it.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

What cost as China tames mother river?

By Mary-Anne Toy

Communist leaders since Mao Zedong have dreamt of taming the mighty Yangtze: China's flood-prone mother river which has nurtured and abused the country's people throughout 5000 turbulent years.

Today the "walls of stone" that Mao envisaged back in the 1950s, in the infancy of the People's Republic of China, will be completed with the final pouring of concrete for the massive Three Gorges Dam.

The Chinese Government will be hoping that the completion of the dam will quell opposition as efficiently as it will tame the Yangtze floods that killed more than 300,000 people last century alone.

But the world's biggest hydro-electric project and the pride of Chinese engineering, which has swallowed $US19 billion, 630 square kilometres of farmland, two cities, 11 counties, 116 towns and 1200 villages and necessitated moving more than a million people, seems set to continue as a battleground between authorities and the emboldened environmental movement.

Work began on the dam, which is 181 metres high and 2.3 kilometres wide, in 1993. In 2003, its left bank was completed, the reservoir was filled to 135 metres. The first generator began producing power shortly after.

The right bank was completed nine months ah___ of schedule. The entire project is due to be completed and fully operational in 2009, when the reservoir level will rise to 175 metres above sea level.

Three Gorges was approved during acute power shortages in China. When it is fully operational, it will supply 85 billion kilowatts of power annually — just 2 per cent of the country's energy needs by 2010.

That is why China's hydro-electric industry has another 100 dams planned or being built, including many needed to resolve problems caused by Three Gorges. Officials are pushing ahead with plans to dam China's deepest gorge, Tiger Leaping Gorge, 1500 kilometres away, and 12 more dams on the Yangtze to support the Three Gorges.

Last month, the Government said that another 80,000 people would be moved to new villages but their homes will be flooded when the reservoir level is raised later this year.

Government engineers agree there has been environmental damage but argue that the benefits: clean power, flood control and improved access to central China from the eastern ports — outweigh the drawbacks for the 220 million people who live in the Yangtze basin.

Environmentalists and scientists fear the reservoir behind the dam will become a giant cesspool that will affect water quality for the 30 million residents of China's biggest urban conglomeration at nearby Chongqing.

They say that its flood-control benefits are exaggerated and that the dam has caused a bottleneck for shipping, with lengthy delays to get through five levels of locks, and that the migrants it has created will cause social turmoil for generations to come.

There are also concerns that such a massive re-ordering of nature is increasing instability in a seismic-sensitive area.

The dam's most outspoken opponent is Dai Qing, a journalist turned activist whose book Yangtze! Yangtze, which argued that the dam is a waste of money and an environment disaster, brought her 10 months in a maximum security jail.

Some activists consider the Three Gorges a dead issue and are focusing on other pending projects, such as the even bigger $66 billion south-north water diversion.

The dam was finally approved by Mao's successor, Deng Xiaoping. Then party secretary Zhao Ziyang warned him that the project was economic, political and technical trouble.

The opposition spurred Deng and his supporters on, although China's normally acquiescent parliament, the annual National People's Congress, made an unprecedented show of opposition, with nearly a third of delegates voting against the project or abstaining in April 1992 when it was formally approved.

"Deng Xiaoping made two mistakes: one is June 4th (Tiananmen Square), the other is Three Gorges Dam," Ms Dai said.

But even Ms Dai concedes that the Three Gorges Dam has had one benefit. It has nurtured environmental awareness in a country that has traditionally valued development at any cost.

Environmental reporting is becoming mainstream and government agencies are working with green groups.

But Arthur Kroeber, the managing director of Dragonomics, which advises on the Chinese economy and its growing influence, said it was unrealistic to expect China to deal with its energy, environmental and transport needs without giant engineering projects. More accountability was needed, as well as better balancing of the costs and benefits of projects.

Under way are the massive south-north water project, which will divert Yangtze River water to northern China through three 1000-kilometre canals, and the creation of China's biggest container port on the Yanshan islets, connected to Shanghai by a 32.5-kilometre sea bridge.

"In theory, these ought to be subject to greater constraints now because of environmental and energy efficiency concerns," Mr Kroeber said. "In reality, the momentum behind them is large."

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