Saturday, November 18, 2006

[root of the trouble] part 1 – changes since the 60s

Part 1 continued …

# The progressive dislocation between unit price for goods and income, necessitating remortgaging, multiple credit facilities and the alteration in the role of the bank as far more than just a home loan financer and keeper of savings. Wages have been stagnant and they're losing the battle to keep up with the cost of living.

# The demise of the passbook as no one saved anymore but made their money ‘work for them’ and as the incentive diminished to put money aside.

# The ever-increasing reliance by banks on penalty fees and bank charges as a major source of income. Interestingly, the War generation remained distrustful of the banks and the credit facility until the late 90s or until they died away.

# The change in music and the rise of the video clip, reflecting an increasing tolerance of ‘bad language’, unrestrained sex, one night stands, homosexuality and increasingly risqué imagery, all in the name of chic, the designer stubbled bohemian lifestyle promoted as ‘the norm’ where once it was particular to certain sections of town and certain types.

# The rise of the low-life as an icon – the Hilton/Jolie sleaze held as high priestesses of the prostitute culture, with piercing and tattooing, something much rarer in the 60s and even off-putting to the average person at that earlier time. The apocalyptic nature of the globalization of the whore as an icon and the accompanying rise in biblical imagery in film and music eg. Triple XXX. Rise of trash culture.

# The rise of the personal computer, the internet, graphic pornography for the children of all hues, positions and combinations – interracial, back passage, the industry in women, first from Thailand and other south-East Asian nations, then the poorer sections of Europe. The explosion of information of all forms on the net, giving the lie to traditional histories, downplaying the role of reading hardcopy for pleasure and altering the educative process. The explosion of Internet pornography occurred during the years of the Bush ... The most frequent viewers of Internet porn are kids 12-17 years old.

# The rise of the public nightclub, taking children out of the semi-protective environment of the school dance into a group, street world of semi-zombie culture, where sound snippets of remembered melodies are interwoven with the relentless aggression of repetitive thumping rhythm, not unlike the voodoo of Haiti and designer drugs such as E underscore it. The increasing alienation and despair of lyrics, of wastage and desolation as chic themes, of raw black sexuality permeating the whole. Reduction to primal instinct on a nightly basis and the elevation of the DJ e.g. Paul Oakenfold, to the status of icon.

# The normalization of sexual relations at a young age and the provision of services to initially cope with but also, by definition to facilitate young sexuality through the very intrusion of sexual advice along the lines of ‘when you start in a year or two’. In the 60s, the majority still waited until marriage but that’s laughable now.

# The institutionalization of the changes, e.g. to speak out against homosexuality, now a criminal offence and the gagging of opponents of the new laciviousness by authority and the opponents increasing marginalization by the community, whose standards have altered by sheer dint of generational change. The Gen Xers running the culture, with the Boomers taking care of moneymaking.

# The rise of household debt from around 30% of income to around 130% today and the increasingly high debt levels of the over 60s, the delay of retirement through economic necessity and the robbing of the following generation’s traditional nest-eggs, necessitating more and more credit to make up for the shortfall. The drop in private home sales and the rise of auctioneering, with the contraction of home buying and accompanying contraction of rental properties. The landlord as king.

# The reduction of time for reflection, walks in the forest and meditation, such things increasingly the preserve of the well-off and the unemployed. No time to do anything any more, the progressive reduction in free minutes in the day, coupled with the feeling that if one is not working, then one is failing. This is steadily reducing the critical faculty of people, except in blogging and the like.
# The provocation of global conflict by the military presence of the U.S., politically directed, in worldly affairs: Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, the Middle-East and so on and the steady deterioration of the reputation of the U.S. globally to the point where they’ve gone from conquering heroes and saviours at the end of WW2 to the most hated nation on earth today [soon to be overtaken by China]. The increasing inability and isolationist mentality of the average American to see what is really going down outside their country.

# The rise of Islam to replace Christianity as the new belief system but an infinitely more tightly controlled and unforgiving, gender biased system, aggressively spreading through the softened, decadent west.

# Inevitable changes such as climate change, oil dependence, pressure on water supplies and the like which are the product of unsustainable population growth.

In part two, a chronology is presented which argues that these phenomena are no accident.